People thinking about a Christmas or new year holiday on Mayor Island are out of luck with all cabins and tent sites booked out there from Christmas until January 8.
Mayor Island.
The Department of Conservation's Barbara Strange is advising that anyone planning to visit the island later in January should book their accommodation before Christmas, as the DOC booking service will be closed from December 24 to January 5.
Mayor Island is the Bay of Plenty's largest off-shore island and has been open for visitors since Labour Weekend this year.
This animal pest-free paradise offers a range of recreation opportunities including bush walks, fishing and diving.
It's the second year of a business partnership between the Tuhua Trust Board and Department of Conservation that aims to encourage island visitors while working to minimise risks to the island's pest-free status.
Visitors are reminded that Tuhua is a privately owned island and the trust board asks visitors to respect it in the same manner as they would their own property.
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