Welcome Bay assault on 10-7

A daylight indecent assault on a 14-year-old girl in Welcome Bay will feature on Police 10-7 later this week as police look to stamp out such 'inappropriate behaviour”.

This morning, Western Bay of Plenty Police Detective Sergeant and Police 10-7 host Rob Lemoto, alongside Detective Helen Beck of the Western Bay child protection team, canvassed an indecent assault involving two 14-year-old girls in Welcome Bay in April.

Tauranga Police Detective Helen Beck and Police 10-7 host Detective Sergeant Rob Lemoto during filming for an upcoming episode in Welcome Bay. Photo: Bruce Barnard.

The two Tauranga girls, who are friends, were approached separately by a male, believed to be in his late teens, near the intersection of James Cook Drive and Resolution Drive on the afternoon of April 10.

One was indecently assaulted by the man, described as slim, of Indian descent and aged between 18-and-22.

The two friends then met up and told their parents what had happened before contacting the police.

Rob says the public appeal comes as there have been possible sightings of the offender and there could be other similar incidents.

'There are people out there to speak to and there are clues available,” says Rob, 'so it's really quite important that if this has happened to anyone else they come forward.

'He's approached two girls and seen an opportunity. He's saying he is a young man and clearly he is not - behaviour that isn't acceptable in any community.

'It's not appropriate behaviour and we are very lucky in the Bay of Plenty that we have been a safe area.

'We don't tolerate this type of behaviour, which is why we want to get this issue out there.”

The indecent assault will feature on this week's Police Ten-7, which will screen on TV2 this Thursday at 7.30pm.

Anyone with any information can phone Tauranga Police on 07 577 4300 or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

1 comment


Posted on 08-06-2015 18:52 | By Elba

I know of a similar case and the perpetrator only receive 1 months jail time what a joke

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