Bunnings react to strike action

Home improvement giants Bunnings have delivered a quick response to staff who opted to go on strike at their Mount Maunganui store today.

Workers at the store walked off the job at 1pm after learning that the company is proposing a change which would remove the right to determine their start and finish times.

Bunnings at Mount Maunganui. Photo: Tracy Hardy.

However, in a statement released this afternoon, company officials claim they have put forward an 'industry leading proposal” which covers wage rates and rosters.

The proposal forms part of their current negotiations covered by Individual Employment agreements and First Union.

Bunnings say their offer will guarantee that team members will receive an absolute minimum increase of four per cent this year, with a further guaranteed minimum of two per cent to be paid next year.

The statement reads: 'Bunnings stores are generally open seven days a week, with trading hours that start at 7am and on the whole run through to 7pm, so flexibility for our team and customers is key.

'Bunnings is committed to supporting the needs of our valued team and providing a healthy work/life balance, as our team plays a pivotal role in providing this flexibility and delivering best service.”

The company have confirmed that it will not make wholesale changes to roster patterns, however they have admitted some changes will occur.

'Any and all changes will take place in full consultation with the team member, with advance notice, so that any significant commitments can be raised and taken into account,” they add.

The firm insist they remain committed to providing an environment in which their team are appropriately rewarded for their efforts and feel valued.

The statement concludes: 'Bunnings is still actively involved in negotiations with First Union and will continue to strictly adhere to the process in good faith.”



Posted on 03-09-2015 18:30 | By overit

They talk about their trading hours and flexibility. Surely they know by now what staff are required at certain times. I see they are glossing over things with reporting pay increases.


Posted on 03-09-2015 20:38 | By The Caveman

The old ZERO hours trick with a new twist. We want you to turn up at 9am, but if its a slow day, we will tell you to go home a 9.30am..............


Posted on 04-09-2015 06:50 | By the real story please

When staff first start they say they are will to work weekends. When intrenched they are no longer willing to work weekends. Before you know it you have a massive team of staff unwilling to work when 70% of your customers want you to open

Not cool

Posted on 04-09-2015 12:20 | By DanielT

how are staff meant to plan their lives around work when they don't know start and finish times? So basically they'll be casual employees that work when the company wants, but at their full time pay?

Pure Corporatism

Posted on 04-09-2015 13:37 | By space cadet

Welcome to corporate New Zealand with our new 'corporate'flag and shiny new TPPA agreement (coming soon),corporate police, corporatised government(s), take your choice red or blue - result is the same. Take a look at any western nation and you will see the same things happening. Workers and peoples rights being quietly dismantled in favour of Globalist interests. The problem is far greater than NZ.


Posted on 04-09-2015 14:42 | By penguin

If the public boycotted Bunnings and took their business elsewhere, I suspect one would see a quick about face!

Dan beat me to it....

Posted on 05-09-2015 00:57 | By GreertonBoy

No, I can't plan to take the kids to footy on the weekend... Bunnings 'MIGHT' want me to work??? Wife asks, "What time will you be home from work?" Answer.... "I don't know?" She asks "What time do you start work tomorrow?" Answer.... "I think 7am, but they might not need me.... I dunno??" Just another case of the rich get richer and the poor git the picture IMO.... Penguin... Boycott them?? that will just mean more staff are told not to bother coming in that day? IMO, the staff are doing the right thing striking... these corporate bullies need to wake up and realise what it is like to not know whether they can open their shop tomorrow if the 'lowly slaves' don't turn up.... same as the'lowly slaves' don't know if they will be required or for how long... grow some brains Bunnings, Social empathy at least

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