Simon says put your hand up

Tauranga MP Simon Bridges is encouraging people in the community to put their hand up for School Board of Trustee elections.

Simon says nominations are open until May 20, and he wants to encourage people with a mix of skills and experience to consider standing.

Simon Bridges (right) with his family Harry, Emlyn and Natalie. Simon is encouraging people to get involved with School Board of Trustee elections. Photo: Greg Taipari.

'We need our parents and wider community to know they have a say in the education of our kids in Tauranga and Mount Maunganui.

'You don't have to be a parent, or have children at the school. We want our school boards to reflect their communities and in turn the diversity within them.

He says boards are focussed on raising the achievement of each and every student. They hold overall responsibility for the governance of a school, setting goals, determining strategic direction, and monitoring their school's performance – all to lift student achievement.

'I urge anyone who believes they have something to offer to go ahead and make a difference.

'I want to also thank the people who have been working hard on our school boards for the past three years, and our teachers who work with our children and young people every day,” says Simon.

Voting takes place by postal ballot between May 25, and June 3. You can find more information at:

1 comment

PC people only

Posted on 10-05-2016 12:01 | By Captain Sensible

Anybody who thinks that basic reading and writing and maths is more important than the haka need not apply.

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