Watch out, it’s a big one!

Get ready Sunners, the largest edition of The Weekend Sun in the company's history is arriving in your letterboxes today.

The hefty 80-page edition of the free weekly newspaper is the largest edition printed in 16 years since Sun Media, the independently-owned Tauranga company, first rocked onto the local publishing scene in 2000.

Sun Media's biggest edition of The Weekend Sun will be in people's letter boxes today.

Friday, September 16's edition features 72 pages of your weekly community news, with an additional eight pages of our one-year-old, recently award-winning, fortnightly publication Life+Style.

'Many thanks to our loyal readers and advertisers for your continued support,” say Sun Media directors Claire and Brian Rogers.

'And a special mention for the Sun staff who have put in the hard yards this week and done such a great job.”

Claire and Brian say the 80-page newspaper is further proof that despite the advance of web and digital platforms, community newspapers continue to bring unbeatable results for their advertisers and are a highly valued news source for readers; and your award-winning Sun Media leads the way with the most effective blend of both print and digital.

Every week The Weekend Sun goes to a record number of households, now 66,600 throughout the Western Bay of Plenty, including all rural deliveries. It's officially rated by Nielsen surveys as the most-read paper in the region by a long shot; combined with SunLive, the region's top-rating new site.

NZ Community Newspapers Association president Simon Ellis says the community newspaper of today, such as The Weekend Sun, remains indispensable to a significant portion of its residents.

'All the best to The Weekend Sun for this bumper edition and its coverage of local issues over 16 years.”

Simon says community newspapers represent an important link in the community they serve and are a reflection of the people and the region in which they circulate.

'In a world where we constantly hear of the movement towards digital, the community newspaper today stands out as a beacon for what is best in both traditional values, while also embracing those technology changes with their own digital delivery of content.”

Watch out, it's a big one!

Simon says the successful community newspaper delivers unique local content, features local people and local issues.

He says there will be local news across a broad spectrum, from school sport, local business to local community groups.

'The focus on local people is a point of difference, and ensures stories are read end to end, often shared with friends and family.

'In any week your community newspaper provides a snapshot of what's happening in your area and as such is welcomed into the home.

'For local businesses, community newspapers represent excellent value to deliver advertising messages to virtually 100 per cent of homes in their circulation area, driving brand recognition and sales results. 'The paper still provides a strong and proven foundation for any media campaign with high market penetration and subsequent high readership.”

In New Zealand there are more than 88 newspaper titles that are members of the NZ Community Newspapers Association, independently owned and operated. The Weekend Sun is one of them.

1 comment


Posted on 16-09-2016 11:34 | By Gigilo

A sunarmi to test the letter boxes of the Bay.

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