Steamers thrash Waikato

Steamers first five-eight Dan Waenga is the stand-out performer in the Bay of Plenty team's 36-8 thrashing of Waikato.

The Steamers played a strong game in the first half, creating pressure and forcing Waikato into a submissive state.

The pressure they exerted saw them head to the break leading 16-3, but more importantly they had worn down the Waikato team so that in the second half they were unable to get back into the game.

The hard work in the first half done by the Steamers also meant they were able to substitute players early in the second half, showing the team is focused on a season-long performance.

Among the early second-half substitutions were skipper Colin Bourke and stand-out Dan Waenga.

Prior to the substitution, Dan had scored 17 points from goal kicking.

In the 70th minute, last year's starting halfback, but in this game wearing number 20 and subbed on in the second half, Taniela Moa touched down to score the Steamers' fourth try.

This try gave the Steamers their bonus point and secured the team's place at the top of the ITM Cup premier division.

Go the Bay!

Keep checking SunLive for full match report.


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