Good morning Sunners, and welcome to the midway point on yet another long weekend.
Summer looks to finally be here, with MetService reporting a high today of 26 degrees with light winds.
The circus is in town all week, with two shows today at Simpson Reserve in Papamoa. Featuring aerialists, acrobats, jugglers, clowns, and much more, it promises to be a treat for the whole family. Ringmaster Damian Gordon says, 'It's a real intimate show – you buy candyfloss or tickets off somebody, and the next minute you see them in the ring performing.”
Shows today are at 12pm and 5pm, with tickets available at the venue or online.
If you're more into animal acts than acrobats, there's harness racing at the Tauranga Racecourse today. The feature race, the Gartshore Group Tauranga Grass Cup, for a stake of $10,000, starts at 4pm.
All of the children's entertainment is free, including a huge range of Kids Go Racing events, a scavenger hunt, a lolly scramble – and a bouncy castle. The Kids Go Racing caravan will also be there with prizes to be won.
Or, if neither of those tickle your fancy, check out the other events on below:
WHAT'S ON – Sunday, February 5:
A Course in Miracles
Join us for a spirited conversation on this free internet self study course in the Backbenches Room, Grindz Cafe, 50 First Ave, Tauranga. 12pm coffee & conversation. 1pm Discussion: How to release the past & get over upsets.
Bay Bible Fellowship/Lord's Day
Worship & communion service at Welcome Bay Primary School Hall, 309 Welcome Bay Rd 10am. Join us for exposition on 1 & 2 Peter. 'Resurrection Hope” Pastor Lincoln Forlong.
Bethlehem Lions Market
Held 1st & 3rd Sun of month at Historic Village, 17th Ave, Tauranga 8am - 12pm. Stallholders - booking a carpark site is essential. Email Alf
Interactive Seminar Series
Life's big questions. Starts Feb 12, every Sunday at Senior Citizen's Hall, Maitland St, Greerton 1.45pm. The Bible - what it teaches about Jesus & Earth's future, & more. Free study notes & refreshments. Vic 543 0504
Interislander Summer Festival
Tauranga Harness Races. Adults $10. Fun & entertainment for the whole family.
Katikati A&P Show
Uretara Domain, Katikati. Gates open 9am. Home industries, cattle judging, calf club, horse events. Adults $5, school children $2, under 5 years free.
Quakers in Tauranga
In hall behind Brain Watkins House, cnr Elizabeth St/Cameron Rd 10am for an hour of mainly silent worship followed by tea/coffee & talk. 544 0448
Radio Controlled Model Yachts
Meet Sun 1.30pm & Thurs 5.30pm at pond behind 24 Montego Drive, Papamoa to sail Electron & similar 3ft long yachts, for fun. Adult beginners welcome. Graham 572 5419
Spiritual & Healing Centre
The psychic café at Greerton Community Hall, Greerton. Doors open 6.45pm for 7pm start. A large group of spiritual, psychic & healing practitioners to meet & greet, café style. Door fee $10, everything else free. 578 7205 or
Sunday Funday
Games & activities for the whole family. Parents & caregivers welcome & encouraged to participate. Greerton Aquatic & Leisure Centre 12-5pm. BBQ Hire $15.
Tauranga Friendship & Social Club
Walks, dinners & outings for over 50's. Barbara 544 7461
Tauranga Organ & Keyboard Society
Meet at Carmel Country Estate Social Centre, 11 Hollister Lane, Ohauiti 1.30pm. Play or listen Organ EL900 or Clavinova 405. Shirley 575 6344
Tauranga Spiritual Society
Senior Citizen's Hall, 14 Norris St. Group clairvoyance night. Doors open 6.30pm for 7pm. Members $3, non $5. Raffle available $2. Free healing & cuppa. 022 0670 467
Trustpower Photographic Exhibition
On now until April 9 at The Strand, Downtown Tauranga. Large scale exhibition showcasing our people & places. Free entry.
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