Kmart announces NZ online shopping

In case you haven't already heard, Kmart has announced online shopping for New Zealand.

A few months ago Kmart announced that it would be opening an online store for New Zealand. launched overnight.

Now Kiwi's have the ability to search through stock, including homeware and entertainment, toys, sports, gifts and clothing.

"We hope to have our apparel range online soon," says a Kmart spokesperson.

This makes it possible for locations around New Zealand without access to Kmart to purchase without leaving their home.

Kmart are offering nationwide delivery between two and four days, and 28 day returns on all goods.

1 comment

Where will it end?

Posted on 30-05-2017 22:04 | By Papamoaner

Print media is declining because of the internet. Letters by Post are dying off. Online shopping is threatening conventional retailers. If we make computers intuitive, they will make humans redundant, as predicted decades a go by Fred Hoyle and Albert Einstein. After that, computers will compete with each other until the strongest makes all the others redundant. A new GOD will be born. Amen.

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