Tauranga MP and National Party leadership prospect Simon Bridge's has been called on to tackle the nasty brown marmorated stink bug.
The bug has spread to the United States and Europe from Asia. They're hard to see, hard to kill, travel far and breed fast.
The Ministry of Primary Industries considers them to be 'a damaging economic pest and a significant household nuisance”.
Now the stink bug is threatening to bring the New Zealand used Japanese car trade to its knees. Jono Allen of Tauranga Cars says compliance shops are empty with staff standing around and panel and paint shops, vehicle groomers, car stereo installers are all similarly affected.
'This affects hundreds if not thousands of businesses nationwide and is costing the country huge amounts of lost revenue every day.”
After the discovery of the brown marmorated stink bug, four ships carrying used cars from Japanese have been turned away from Ports of Auckland.
'These boats have several thousand Japanese used vehicles on-board destined for New Zealand marketplace. They are currently in limbo as Australia has refused them to berth to have Fumigation with Sulfuryl Fluoride performed. Because of this the industry is grinding to a stand-still.”
And Jono Allen has told Simon Bridges that the industry needs his help.
'We need immediate action from the Minister of Primary Industries to allow Sulfuryl Fluoride to be used in New Zealand ports to treat these boats,” says Jono.
'There are many other vessels on their way from Japan and they will probably be affected too.”
He has told Simon Bridges that every day that goes by means lost incomes, lost revenue and potentially lost jobs.
'This is a serious national issue which requires your immediate attention. Please support our local motor industry.”
The bug can be eliminated with heat treatment but that's not practicable with the volume of cars involved. Jono says the only other solution is to fumigate with Sulfuryl Fluoride.
The issue is that this product cannot be used in New Zealand territory and needs to be imported. And Australia will not allow the vessels to berth to have the treatment carried out and the fumigation companies are wary of doing the fumigation at sea.
Posted on 16-02-2018 12:25 | By Raeleen
I'm sorry for the car industry but it would be far worse for many industries were the stink bug to get into NZ!
Japan should fumigate
Posted on 16-02-2018 12:38 | By Bestlife
Make Japan fumigate the cargo before the ships leave. Simple. They will want this sorted as quickly as we do.
No Way
Posted on 16-02-2018 12:55 | By Kaimai
Let the cars in and my job goes - no way MPI, stand your ground!
Three cheers
Posted on 16-02-2018 13:07 | By rastus
Three cheers for a minister who has rightly turned these ships away - the last thing we need is for our country to be taken over by these awful bugs - The car industry will just have to grin and bear it - Most cargo that leaves from NZ to other countries have to have the cargo fumigated here - not on arrival - Jono just tell your suppliers to get their act together and don't expect us to clean up someone else's problem
Mark Watchman
Posted on 16-02-2018 13:09 | By Mark Watchman
Mr Allen would be better to go back to the vehicle importers and take up this Brown Marmorated Stink Bug issue up with them. NZ has quite clear biosecurity rules and regulations regarding product coming across our border. If they send us cars that are infested with the BMSB then they should be the ones responsible. If we have to turn boats around because of infestations then so be it. Finding them on the boat when the boat is moored to the wharf is to late . BMSB would do to horticulture what foot and mouth would do to agriculture.
The real question must be -
Posted on 16-02-2018 13:28 | By The Caveman
Having just found four ships with these bugs, how many ships that also had these bugs, have been MISSED in the 10-20-30 years? As I see it, these bugs did not suddenly "just appear". !
Fumigate outside NZ
Posted on 16-02-2018 13:28 | By Sealegs
You can fumigate the vehicle decks and cars but what about the rest of the ship. Let them in and the bugs can escape before fumigators get them. Too much risk.
So Australia
Posted on 16-02-2018 13:48 | By Merlin
So Australia does not want to fumigate and perhaps hope that they will get done in New Zealand and be able to return to Australia.LOL
Posted on 16-02-2018 13:54 | By Merlin
So Australia will not fumigate and let them land and if they come here and we fumigate Australia will wan't the boats to return perhaps?
stinky bug go home
Posted on 16-02-2018 14:13 | By MaureenR
These boats should be sent back and treated where they departed from, why should it be up to us and have a chance of the bug jumping ship..stand your ground MPI ...
Posted on 16-02-2018 14:58 | By NZer
Why should Australia be involved in cleaning up NZs mess. These cars were destined for the NEW ZEALAND market. If the situation was reversed and the cars were being imported into Australia and they had the bug, New Zealand would refuse to let them berth to fumigate as well...
Who wants a car
Posted on 16-02-2018 16:33 | By Kendra
Who wants to buy a car that has been full of a poison to kill some bugs are they safe for our kids
Car Importation. By Noel
Posted on 16-02-2018 21:55 | By Noel Silver
Jono, your approach to this problem is not able to be solved by Simon Bridges. The Stink Bug has to be kept out of New Zealand because it has the potential to collapse the Kiwifruit Industry, and then there will be thousands of people out off work, not just a few Car Workers, and there will be no purchasers for the cars anyway as there will be no money, and this is what Simon Bridges should have told you. The minister and the authorities have done the right thing, and this not new as the ministry started advising importers that anything that is not clean will be returned to its country of origin at least 1 year ago that I can remember. Read the other posts. It is a Japan problem to ensure all their exports are clean and Bug Free, and present NO risk to NZ.
Posted on 17-02-2018 08:01 | By peecee09
We have to fumigate EVERY log that goes to Japan so they are bug free so Mr Allen how about you and your industry insist on the same from your suppliers and shippers instead of running to your MP expecting him to rectify your industrys shortfalls.
Stink Bug
Posted on 17-02-2018 09:03 | By collydogz
Isn't this Japan's problem. If they want to sell their vehicles to NZ and Australia they should be taking responsibility for this.
Tough but Right
Posted on 17-02-2018 17:16 | By Active
The Mamorated Stink Bug if established in New Zealand will affect the lives of all New Zealanders. All wil give up growing fruit , tomatoes etc. Sray programs don;t work. It has to be daily and involve all neighbours. This bug is like or worse than Foot and Mouth disease is to the livestock industry. The car importers should have NZ CITIZEN , NZ TRAINED inspectors IN JAPAN inspecting ALL [not some] car shipments to NZ after fumigation and then sign off and send info to MPI. User pays. I spent a lot of my working life as an auditor of export Food Factories etc.. Don;t accept inspection of exporting countries when you are not there. One sloppy inspector out of a 100 will cause disaster.MPI is doing their job.However its tough and this shoulnt have come to this.
Posted on 17-02-2018 17:30 | By Told you
Why Simon Bridges he not in the Government any more.???
Not in our Backyard
Posted on 18-02-2018 13:32 | By Active
Keep ships with Marmorated bugs on board well out to sea and not near ports. The USDA did a study of the flight of foraging Marmorated Stink bugs . Most bugs flew over 2.7k per day looking for food. A small number flew wind assisted over 117k. Bit of a worry.Lets all of us make the effort to recognize this bug for the good of NZ.
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