Police call for common sense

Western Bay of Plenty Police are asking locals, visitors and the wider public to use common sense when around travelling to Bay of Plenty beaches this weekend.

The officer in charge of Police support to the Maritime NZ operation, Inspector Karl Wright-St Clair says he understands the passion people feel about the area and their curiosity to see the situation for themselves, but he's asking people not to travel to the area unless they really need to.

A police officer stands guard over Mount Maunganui Beach.

'There are a large number of people involved both in an official capacity and in the volunteer groups, and they need to be able to move around the area quickly and freely.

'In addition, some of the groups may need to move heavy equipment in and around the beach areas and some roads may need to be closed for these activities.”
He says there has already been one example where public vehicles were blocking an access way in Papamoa and officials were unable to get onto the beach and remove waste.

'In order to prevent major congestion and to allow these groups to move around, it's important traffic is kept to a minimum and there are spaces available for them.

'As a result, we are asking members of the public to avoid the area unless they really have to be there.”

Karl says Maritime NZ and Police are still asking people to report any sightings and locations of containers that may have washed ashore from the Rena.

'Please call 0800 OIL SPILL to report the location of any containers so that the appropriate services can respond.

'The contents of the containers remain the property of the original owners or their insurers and anyone caught interfering with containers will be dealt with by Police.”


Treasure Hunt

Posted on 15-10-2011 14:00 | By Kin

So avoid the area but report any containers that you find?? Presumably so the cops can stand guard over the soggy beef patties. That's common sense.


Posted on 15-10-2011 16:38 | By penguin

Yep Kin, your comment reflects the inane and shallow-minded thinking that comes from someone with nothing better to do. May you be spared from ever having to deal with real life....

Oil Spreaders

Posted on 16-10-2011 09:10 | By Yasmine

Obviously can't take the kids to the beach, but taking the kids to the playground is now an oily nightmare. Swings and slides in four different parks at the Mount have oil on them. People get told to stay off the beach, they don't, and then bring the oil further into the community adding to the problem. Nice work.

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