Part time song writer, full time teacher and Papamoa resident Gavin Kennedy has taken to music to express his feelings on the Rena disaster.
Gavin's song ‘Rena' has been posted on YouTube and features images that he recorded during the beach clean-ups held over the last week.
Gavin Kennedy is an avid fisher and has not been able to fish since the Rena disaster.
Gavin says he is not pointing fingers per say, but just expressing a general feeling of the Papamoa community.
'I was down there at the beach yesterday with the volunteers and the locals are pretty angry about it. The ship is slowly going down and there is a feeling of helplessness.
'But down at the beach, the bad times really have brought out the best in people. Everyone was chatting, interacting. It has really unified a community.”
As a kayak fisher and someone who loves to run barefoot down the beach, Gavin says he spends most of his time out in the environment and you 'don't realise what you have got until it is gone”.
'I hope we can learn from this and realise it is man with nature, not man versus nature.”
While Gavin has had no formal training in singing or songwiriting, his song aptly speaks the general feelings of the Bay of Plenty people. The song was recorded at home and features his children in the background.
He says he didn't cut the background noise about as 'the sound of children laughing works quite well with ideas of summer days at the beach”.
Gavin has also written a song called Save Coro Street – amore light hearted issue, but one that is close to his heart regarding TVNZ's decision to move Coronation Street's showing time to 5.30pm.
1 comment
Per Se
Posted on 17-10-2011 13:17 | By Kin
It's latin. Not "Per Say" which is just two English words put together that mean nothing. Education standards are slipping. Terrible song too.
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