Have your say on city reserves

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Should drones be allowed to fly in local parks? What sort of sports would you like to see played in your local park, if any?

These questions and more are being asked as part of Tauranga City Council's consultation on the Tauranga Reserves Management Plan.

The plan guides council's decision-making on parks and reserves in the city. It enables a range of activities, guides maintenance and development, protects important sites and features, and explains how requests and proposals for use are assessed.

It also combines existing reserve management plans into one, and applies to reserves that don't currently have a plan.

The plan looks at how decisions will be made on more than 50 specific topics, including where drones can fly, car parking, park furniture and facilities such as toilets, supporting organised sport, protecting heritage sites and significant vegetation, and when more detailed concept plans will be developed.

Public submissions are open until October 19, and a survey form can be completed at: www.tauranga.govt.nz/community/have-your-say


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