Simon Bridges eclipsed by Judith Collins

Tauranga MP Simon Bridges.

The popularity of the Leader of the Opposition and Tauranga MP Simon Bridges has taken another hit in the latest political polls.

But the MP has previously told SunLive that it's the party's popularity that counts, and that part of the poll tells a different story.

But firstly, Judith Collins has eased ahead of Bridges by one point in the preferred Prime Minister stakes according to the latest 1 News Colmar Brunton poll.

In the previous two polls, Collins and Bridges had polled equally at six per cent in February and five per cent in April. But now six per cent prefer Collins and just five per cent prefer Bridges.

Prime Minister Jacinda Adern dropped six points to 45 per cent after polling her highest ever preferred PM rating of 51 per cent April.

The Newshub Reid Research Poll had similar results in the preferred PM stakes.

Bridges fell to 4.2 per cent, but Collins was up to 7.1 per cent. That poll put Ardern slightly higher for preferred prime minister, at 49 per cent.

The Newshub poll was also bad news for Simon with just 17.4 per cent of people thinking he was performing well as National's leader, while 56 per cent thought he was performing poorly.

Ardern secured her highest approval rating yet, with 72.5 per cent of respondents saying she was performing well as Prime Minister and 5.6 per cent thought she was performing poorly.

The Newshub poll had National diving 4.2 points to 37.4 per cent, whereas Labour's support soared to 50.8 meaning it could govern alone. The Green Party polled at 6 per cent and New Zealand First at 2.8 per cent.

In terms of party support the polls tell a different story. Colmar Brunton had National at 44 per cent and Labour at 42 per cent. That meant National had gone up four points and Labour down six points.

The Greens remained steady at six per cent, while New Zealand First rose slightly to reach the five per cent MMP threshold.

According to the Newshub Reid Research poll, 55 per cent of voters thought it was wrong for National to pre-release Budget information before Budget day, and 32.6 per cent thought it was right thing to do.



Posted on 10-06-2019 08:02 | By Merlin

Time for Simon to release he is not the preferred leader and is not making progress and should follow Andrew Little's example.The integrity of drip feeding budget details turned a lot of people off the National Party.Just cheap political tricks.

Political nonentity

Posted on 10-06-2019 09:10 | By OAP

Simon bridges , who is he ?

Tom Ranger

Posted on 10-06-2019 09:52 | By Tom Ranger

I'd vote for almost anyone that will change the current govt and put more money back in worker's pockets. I believe in equal opportunities not equal outcomes. Stay at home all day smoking weed, or walking the streets all day, hanging around gang' miss out on the opportunities. House ownership, A nice TV, a peaceful legal life. No govt can change the laws of the universe.

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