Flat Stanley climbs Mauao

Flat Stanley is on his way back to California, but not before he ventured to the top of Mount Maunganui to enjoy the brilliant vantage point of the city its peak offers.

Mount Maunganui is an extinct volcanic cone and is called Mauao by New Zealand's indigenous people, the Maori.

Flat Stanley stands in Pilot Bay close to Mount Maunganui.

It's considered important and tapu (sacred or holy) by the Maori and is named Mauao, which means ‘caught by the dawn', because it catches the dawn light each morning.

It is a popular park in Tauranga with more than 700,000 people walking around its base track or up to the top on one of the tracks that climb to its peak.

From the top of Mount Maunganui Flat Stanley could see out along the beach.

Park ranger Mark Ray says since Mauao was opened to the public, it has become a popular location for many activities including walking, jogging and hang gliding.

People who walk to the top are rewarded for their 3km walk by some brilliant scenic views of the city.

From the top of Mount Maunganui Flat Stanley could see Matakana Island and out to sea.

Flat Stanley made his way up the mountain with SunLive photographer Tracy Hardy.

She also took him for an ice cream when they returned to the beach, but when she walked into the shop found she had no money to buy one.

After his walk up Mount Maunganui Flat Stanley stopped by Copenhagen Cones to buy an ice cream from Leah Jankman.

Flat Stanley is looking forward to eating a Ben and Jerry's ice cream in America soon.

While in Tauranga he stayed with Nini McCluskey's aunty Jo Dempsey.

He enjoyed meeting her dogs Bo and Duke and relaxing in a hammock.

The legend of Mauao

The once nameless mountain desired the affection of the captivating hill called Puwhenua.

Unfortunately, she did not return his affection and her heart was won by Otanewainuku.

This rejection resulted in the nameless one wanting to take his own life with the help of Patupaiarehe (fairy people).

They dragged him through the night towards the sea, but at daylight they had to retreat, leaving him where he sits today.

They gave him the name Mauao, which means caught by dawn, because he catches the dawn light every morning.

View the official Flat Stanley Project at www.FlatStanley.com


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