Look twice for motorcycles on the road

Photos: Supplied

As spring starts, more motorcyclists will be out on the roads.

September is Motorcycle Awareness Month and the New Zealand Transport Agency and New Zealand Police are reminding all road users to look out for each other.

'This is a timely reminder for all drivers and riders to pay attention and make safe decisions on the road,” says Senior Sergeant Paul Simcox, Manager of Operations for Road Policing.

"We want everybody to get where they're going safely.

'We know motorbikes can be harder to see when driving, so we ask drivers to look twice at intersections and before changing lanes.

'Of course riders should be taking all steps possible to keep themselves safe on the road too.

"This means ensuring they are visible to other road users; wearing appropriate safety gear and not taking risks,” says Paul.

"Remember, you could be in a driver's blind spot when you're overtaking.

'An unsafe manoeuvre, or going too fast for the conditions, could have tragic consequences.

"Every driver and rider should be in a position to react safely if someone makes a mistake on the road around you,” says Paul.

'Sadly, in 2018, 52 motorcyclists were killed and 1,396 were seriously injured on our roads,” says NZ Transport Agency General Manager of Safety, Health and Environment, Greg Lazzaro.

'As the weather warms up, the risk of a crash on rural roads increases for motorcyclists as they are getting back on their bikes and riding again.

'Riders, before heading out on that first ride, it's vital you check your bike over to ensure it's still in good condition after the months it may have spent unused in the garage.

"Also check your riding gear still provides you with the right level of protection,” says Greg. 'If you haven't already, take advantage of Ride Forever coaching.

"Regardless of your experience, these safety training courses are a great way to refresh your skills and are run throughout New Zealand.”

For more information visit http://www.rideforever.co.nz



Posted on 01-09-2019 20:20 | By hapukafin

some of those m/c rider I have come across on the road are on a suicide mission.they just to take more care of themselves

What’s that?

Posted on 03-09-2019 19:33 | By Slim Shady

Difficult to catch sight of them as they weave in and out at twice the speed limit.

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