Do you know the song ‘It's the Happiest Time of the Year'?
Well Tauranga Food Bank say it's the busiest time of the year.
That's why Holy Trinity Church and generous sponsors have teamed up to raise funds to help cover their huge seasonal spike.
They are already flat out. Christmas is only a month away, and they need your help. Fortunately there is a fun way to do it.
On December 7 from 7pm, A Kiwi Christmas not only gives you the opportunity to sing favourite Christmas songs and carols, but writer and host, Tom Bradley, has strung together a slightly wacky evening of Christmas history, trivia, anecdotes, laughs and facts.
All reminding us of the mad way we celebrate Christmas south of the equator.
Why do we sing about snow, cold, and reindeer, in hot weather?
Why do our decorations reflect the northern hemisphere?
And why do many of us persist in doing Christmas dinner ‘with all the trimmings' - often in the heat of the day – when a cold meal makes more sense?
Be sure to join Tom, Jolene James and Mark Eagle from The Breeze FM, and the rest of the Kiwi Christmas team in supporting Food Bank. They take every dollar raised and turn it into two dollars' worth of food for local families who are struggling this Christmas.
A Kiwi Christmas will be held on December 7 from 7pm at Holy Trinity Church on Devonport Rd.
Entry costs $25 for adults or $15 for children.
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