Access to The Strand car park via Wharf Street will be permanently closed from Tuesday, April 10.
Around 125 car parks will be affected, with most of them being located in the P180 section.
A Tauranga City Council spokesperson says there will be no changes to access via Dive Crescent.
According to Council's parking statistics, the parking on the Northern Reclamation is currently underutilised.
'There are enough car parks in this area to accommodate all the people who currently park in the Central and Southern Reclamation car parks,” says a TCC spokesperson.
'In addition, both Elizabeth and Spring Street parking buildings are also under used and have plenty of spaces available.”
The closure is to allow the redevelopment of the Waterfront and the Central and Southern Reclamation car parks, which will begin again on Tuesday after a hiatus over Easter weekend.
Works being undertaken include continuing the pathway from Wharf Street to the Harbourside boardwalk, minor upgrade work around the Edgewater Fan area, renovating the central area between the Edgewater Fan and Wharf Street and renovating the Southern Reclamation area.
TCC hopes this will result in a large green space where people can relax and enjoy the waterfront and an area for events and activities such as markets and cafes.
Access to the Southern Reclamation boat ramp will be maintained throughout the construction.
TCC spokesperson says once works are finished, access to the boat ramp will be via lockable bollards and people who wish to access the boat ramp will need to pay a refundable deposit to get a key.
Keys are available from Baycourt.
Posted on 07-04-2012 11:32 | By traceybjammet
thank goodness the carpark is going to go and hopefully the waterfront will become a great family area and a big drawcard for visitors to the area
Don't stop there
Posted on 07-04-2012 12:23 | By bigted
At last some commonsense, because cars don't enjoy the view. Now close the strand to traffic during peak hours. Removable bollards in place to allow deliveries before 9 am, then closed, allowing people to enjoy themselves without fumes, noise etc.
Carpark closure
Posted on 07-04-2012 12:25 | By tia
Great to hear this news. Close all the car park on The Strand reclamation. It must be the most expensive piece of real-estate with cars parked on it. Make is a passive area we can be proud of and enjoy.
Closed eyes
Posted on 07-04-2012 13:34 | By penguin
Ever run the gauntlet while trying to turn into the carpark when coming from the Strand end of Dive Crescent (over the railway line?).
at what cost
Posted on 07-04-2012 16:05 | By armolony
Sure close the car park, we can easily afford to spend millions of dollars on a nice green park for people to enjoy the view, nobody is struggling to make ends meet, just borrow more money and what the heck just up the rates again, and force people who barely pay there rates to fork out for yet ANOTHER stupidly expensive project. What is the council thinking with sand in their heads? How about they stop borrowing money to "beautify" the city and pay off some debt before doing any more outlandish projects IE our museum which cant even make ends meet.
Brilliant thinking !!!
Posted on 07-04-2012 17:34 | By Jitter
Yes, close the carpark and it will become a great family area and a big drawcard for visitors to the area !!! Yeah right ! For how much of the year ? What a pile of bull s***t ! Some of these people dream with their heads up their backsides. The people who are saying thank goodness the carpark is going will be the first to scream when they cannot get a park close to town and the bars. I am all for developing the waterfront but there has to be a modicom of commonsense used. Is the council intending to replace this cheap parking (and it is cheap by big city standards) with parking anywhere else close to the city centre ? Our shopping will now be done elsewhere that has cheap/free parking close to the shops.
Get Real
Posted on 07-04-2012 18:33 | By Accountable
Obviously traceyjammet,bigted and tia do not own a business in the CBD.The comments they make suggest they have no or very little knowledge of what's required to make the area work.If all the parks are lost as at present it will be another nail in the CBD's coffin.It is the Central Business District which means it's there for business not for people to sit and watch the water. Go to the Mount if that's what you want to do as it has a proper beach not a backwater swamp.If we don't have parking we will not get customers and it's as simple as that. If you don't like the Strand go and drink somewhere else.That's not so difficult either is it?
THINK it through TCC
Posted on 07-04-2012 19:14 | By xenasdad
So once the brilliant TCC mandarins have created "a large green space where people can relax and enjoy the waterfront and an area for events and activities such as markets and cafes", just where are the 100's of folk who come to enjoy it (and service personnel) going to park their vehicles ???? Or are we all meant to walk from home, or come by bus ??
Posted on 07-04-2012 19:23 | By Donnaw
So now that will mean its going to be even more difficvult to find a carpark in wonder i avoid going over there. But at least there going to be a nice pretty park to look at...oh.....and dont forget the kids playground thats on the plan... set up between the water and the really do have to wonder sometimes...
Car Park closure
Posted on 08-04-2012 07:49 | By tia
It appears 'accountable' want to blame everyone else for the problems with his/her business. Perhaps its time you provided some decent 'service' and the customers will come to you. Why should you expect parking on your door step? If people can't walk another couple of hundred meters from a car park the town is in a sorry state.
shop bayfair
Posted on 08-04-2012 08:17 | By hapukafin
another tick for the council for chasing shoppers out of the CBD.where do they think workers and shoppers are going to park and how the tennants are going to afford the ever increasing rates?its ok they say we are helping the satelite centres and Bayfair
Posted on 08-04-2012 10:57 | By Zara
Having recently returned from Auckland spent many hours in the viaduct harbour and its surrounds, Tauranga City Council is dreaming if they think removing a few carparks is going to cause a flood of people to come to such a boring area. A few broken down old boats moored in the harbour, a barge come glass mausaleum anchored right in the middle of the view from the only shaded seating area, serving no purpose whatsoever but to impeed the meager view, and an active railway line running right through the middle which any mother in her right mind would keep their kids as far away from as possible.... no direct access to the water, and looking back onto a dilapidated ramshakle collection of buildings with the proposed upgrades being only more 80s style glass fronted uninspiring buildings. Not a glimmer of forward planning by the council to unify the design style of any new buildings to create a cohesive theme for the area. Something as simple as following the Auckland example of viaduct north, where all the buildings are themed along the lines of old cargo sheds, and immediately gives a feeling of history, belonging and character. I guess it is too much to ask for a glimmer of intelligence from our current council. A disconnected beautiful park and kids playground with access to the water, fountains, pool, trains, skateboard ramp, roller stake ring, minigolf, etc less than 2 kms away!
Posted on 08-04-2012 11:02 | By Accountable
It appears tia is bitter about some issue but is taking the bitterness out on everybody.We are open seven days a week and our customer service and those of most of the CBD is excellent compared to a lot of other towns and countries through out the world.Its not the lack of service that's the problem its the cost of parking that is and always will be an issue.Give us some examples of poor service if you feel so strongly about it.Don't just moan and blame everyone for your anger towards the CBD.
Ten year plan
Posted on 08-04-2012 13:12 | By Accountable
Would all you people who feel so strongly about Waterfront waste of money please send a submission to the city council because it appears they ignore every other form of protest.Submissions close on the 20th April.Please,your help for the continued survival of the CBD is needed now.
Bunch of lazy people
Posted on 08-04-2012 18:09 | By Mr bay
There are two parking buildings in this town, one of which I used on Wednesday, I parked there for three hours paid about $4 for this which compared to Auckland is cheap as chips, in Auckland it was $16 for 1hr , we walked YES walked to the strand from Elizabeth street had a nice lunch, then walked back. Get over the fact that you need to park right outside the business you are going to visit, a little walk is good for you. The only problem I can see with the strand is the rail line. If the council can get around this it should be great.
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