Name change for Tauranga Northern Link

The Tauranga Northern Link has been renamed to the Takitimu North Link. Photos: NZTA.

One of the Bay of Plenty's most significant infrastructure projects has been renamed.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and the hapū Treaty partners have formally renamed the two State Highway 2 New Zealand Upgrade Programme projects to Takitimu North Link.

The Takitimu North Link is part of the Government's New Zealand Upgrade Programme, which is a $6.8 billion investment to get our cities moving, to save lives and boost productivity in growth areas.

Waka Kotahi General Manager Transport Services Brett Gliddon says the re-naming of the Tauranga Northern Link and Ōmokoroa to Te Puna projects is a significant step to acknowledge the area's cultural heritage and connect all who have mana whenua along the corridor.

'This name change represents a strengthening of our hapū relationship. Understanding the history of the land our state highways travel through is a significant part of any project and by working closely with our hapū partners we are recognising this.

'All hapū partners have whakapapa (ancestry) to the Takitimu waka and it is important that this is appropriately reflected in the project."

Pirirākau Environmental Manager Julie Shepherd says the hapū are looking forward to continuing to work in partnership with central and local government as the project comes to life.

'We're building this road together, with respect to te ao Māori, and with the hapū of the area as Treaty partners.

'Our hope is this project will provide more jobs for our communities, especially during these challenging times, and better and safer links to our towns, all while respecting our natural environment.”

Ngāti Hangarau hapū representative Tatai Allen says the name is fitting because the Takitimu waka is the link that connects all the hapū of the rohe (area).

'We feel strongly about showing the connection between the project and all of the hapū in the rohe — this name will help give our wider community the opportunity to get to know and understand the rich history of the area."

The $933 million Takitimu North Link project will connect Tauranga and Ōmokoroa with a new 14 kilometre link between State Highway 29 Takitimu Drive Toll Road and State Highway 2 Ōmokoroa intersection and will be constructed in two phases, beginning next year. The tender process for contractors is expected to get underway this month.

The alignment for the Takitimu North Link project is within the rohe of Ngāti Ranginui iwi, and includes the hapū of Pirirākau, Ngai Tamarawaho, Ngāti Hangarau, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Pango, and Ngāti Rangi. The largest area of this roading project is within the Pirirākau rohe.

The new link will provide residents and visitors to the Bay of Plenty with safer, more resilient access to one of New Zealand's highest growth areas, support economic growth and community wellbeing, and provide greater travel choice as well as a walking and cycling shared path. It will also connect to the $101 million Waihī to Ōmokoroa safety improvements project which is in construction.

About the Takitimu North Link

  • Takitimu North Link Stage One will be the connection between SH29 and SH2 near Te Puna.
  • Takitimu North Link Stage Two will be the connection between SH2 Te Puna and Ōmokoroa.
  • Construction of Stage One is expected to start in 2021 and take five years, subject to property negotiations.
  • Pre-implementation work has progressed, with geotechnical works due to get underway this month, as well as the construction tender process.
  • The timings for construction of Stage Two are being confirmed.

About the Takitimu waka

  • The Takitimu waka arrived at the base of Mauao, at the entrance to Tauranga Moana, before heading to the South Island. The tohunga and navigator, Tamatea Arikinui, and some of his people settled in Tauranga and the members of the six hapū can trace their whakapapa back to this ancestor.
  • For more information about the Takitimu waka, visit:

About the New Zealand Upgrade Programme

  • The New Zealand Upgrade Programme is investing $6.8 billion in transport to save lives, get our cities moving and boost productivity in the country's growth areas. Waka Kotahi is delivering 20 projects that support a shift to greater transport choice with a balanced investment in public transport, new or upgraded roads, walking and cycling.
  • The programme will play a vital role in helping to stimulate the economy and support the country as it recovers from the impacts of Covid19. Five projects worth $2.4 billion including the Takitimu North Link, have begun the construction procurement process and all projects will be under construction within five years.

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Posted on 03-09-2020 09:52 | By The Caveman

TOLL road in the making ??


Posted on 03-09-2020 13:53 | By Kancho

Yeah probably Caveman as there will remain the original route through Bethlehem if you want to take longer. I think the toll roads are great save time and energy and a user pay option which somewhat free up the free route. So save a couple of bucks and take the slower route through Bethlehem no worries, but no for me I live in the fast lane lol. Still this is way in the future so who knows who will pay the toll if the grim reaper takes his toll first


Posted on 04-09-2020 10:37 | By The Professor

Absolutely make this a toll road. The Eastern Link works very well as a toll road - hardly anyone on it and a sensible speed given the design of the road......great road!! Make the Northern Link 110 too!! I wonder how long it will be before heaps of side roads sprout up along the new link and then we end up back where we are today - plonkers pulling out of junctions causing accidents then people blaming the road or speed.

Name Change

Posted on 04-09-2020 14:41 | By Ceem

As the Tauranga Eastern Link (TEL) is often referred to as the Te Puke Bypass why not call the proposed Takitimu North Link the Bethlehem or Te Puna Bypass or Tauranga's third toll road?

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