Vicki Fraser has been awarded ‘The Weekend Sun Emerging Artist' award.
Earlier this year the Bay of Plenty Garden & Art Festival art committee chose 14 finalists who were given the opportunity to build on their existing skills through attending workshops leading up to last weekend's festival.
All finalists had work exhibited at Bloom in the Bay, which was the festival hub at Tauranga Racecourse, and judging took place on Saturday.
'That's amazing,” says Vicki on hearing about winning the award.
Mother to five children, aged six to 16 years, Vicki wrote in her application that she was 'just looking at getting back into painting as my kids are all in school now.
'I painted quite a bit in my teenage years and early twenties, and am excited to get back into it,” says Vicki.
'The Poser' by Vicki Fraser
She exhibited two pieces at the festival. ‘The Poser' – a painting of her dog Rocco – quickly sold on the first day.
'He's a rescue dog that I got from the council. He's so loyal and wonderful, so funny and always with me, just lying around.”
'Play the Man' by Vicki Fraser
Her second piece ‘Play the Man' portrayed her son Jack figuring out how to put on a tie.
The judges felt that Vicki's painting showed an impressive confidence with bold brushstrokes and commented on her skill at capturing and showing character and feeling in her work.
'I'm trying to paint at least one full day a week. My family is really supportive.
'They've always loved my art. It's great being able to focus and actually put time properly aside for it now.”
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