The Government has reprioritised up to $5 million to provide immediate relief to vulnerable whānau Māori and communities during the current COVID-19 outbreak Minister for Māori Development Willie Jackson announced today.
The COVID-19 2021 Whānau Recovery Fund will support community driven, local responses to gaps in access and provision of critical services.
'Funding will initially focus on those areas hardest hit by the higher COVID-19 alert levels; Tāmaki Makaurau, Te Tai Tokerau and Northern Waikato,” says Jackson.
The fund would provide small grants to Māori organisations and iwi who were working directly with the community.
'We know there are groups of people who are not connected to existing support networks, but who are still providing for our most vulnerable whānau right now.
'This funding is about supporting those on the ‘edge' of the system, as a matter of last resort, who are going above and beyond to support their communities.
'Examples include support to make sure vulnerable rangatahi are connected to their peers and support networks, and support for kai packaging and delivery as provider staff are focussed on resourcing vaccination clinics.
'The COVID-19 2021 Whānau Recovery Fund is about providing immediate relief to those on the frontline, but also demonstrates the need to invest in the growth and resilience of our communities,” says Jackson.
To apply for funding, Māori and iwi organisations need to contact their local Te Puni Kōkiri office:
Tāmaki Makaurau: tpk.tamaki-makaurau@tpk.govt.
Te Tai Tokerau:, 0800 875 888
Waikato:, 0800 875 499
Strong preference will be given to those organisations that are legal entities and have proven performance with Te Puni Kōkiri, marae can be funded directly.
Funding cannot be used for retrospective activities, medical bills, legal advocacy or litigation costs, including court costs, administrations costs, payment of existing debts, business ventures or items of a capital nature including buildings and vehicles.
Posted on 08-09-2021 20:58 | By Slim Shady
Throwing money around like confetti.
Nice one!
Posted on 08-09-2021 22:42 | By Andrew64
Can I have some money too?
Here we go again
Posted on 09-09-2021 06:47 | By Thats Nice
The COVID-19 2021 Whānau Recovery Fund is for vulnerable whānau Māori. So there are no vulnerable non Maori kiwis needing help and there are many kiwis who "go above and beyond to support their communities".
Miserable comments from
Posted on 09-09-2021 08:32 | By R. Bell
the usual miserable sources. This initiative helps vulnerable communities who have just cause to be wary of a system that denied them the same privileges that most Pakeha enjoyed for generations. It takes nothing from the privileged but goes a small way to help in very trying times for all. Vulnerable non Maori have a system geared to their needs, just look around , open your one eye and you will see it, just in front of your nose.
Posted on 09-09-2021 10:14 | By terry hall
apartheid here we come closer everyday, this government is hell bent on separatism.
It is good...
Posted on 09-09-2021 13:47 | By morepork
... that these groups are being supported, but it would be far better if this funding was available to EVERYONE. This kind of decision by a Minister simply creates resentment, and doesn't help the elimination of Racism in our communities.
hey I'm
Posted on 10-09-2021 11:51 | By Mein Fuhrer
6% Ngapuhi, so do I qualify?
@ R . Bell
Posted on 10-09-2021 20:48 | By Yadick
Everyone has the same privileges. Red, yellow, black, brown or white. Everyone matters in NZ. The only division is totally self imposed.
Posted on 11-09-2021 08:25 | By R. Bell
you're at it again. Yet again showing ignorance of how things work in the Maori world. The COMMUNITIES referenced in the above article are generally isolated and poorly serviced by the services you and I take for granted. As a result they volunteer to provide food, shelter and other desperately needed services that often extend to non Maori. Rarely acknowledged and rarely compensated without the uninformed radical right whinging as though they were the ones who were deprived. You have been recently commenting how easy it is for you to receive the vaccine. Have some thought for those less fortunate. Mein Fuhrer please tell everyone how you arrive at 6% Nga Puhi. Personally I don't believe you.
Sorry yadick,
Posted on 11-09-2021 11:47 | By R. Bell
but your wrong and that is very sad. Isolated communities such as Northland, East coast of the North Island are deprived of the privileges you and I take for granted, Lack of meaningful work opportunities, lack of easily accessed medical care, lack of decent housing on Maori land because Banks refused for generations to lend mortgage money on jointly owned land. Lack of education geared like yours to suit your specific language and culture. All that and more and yet you and others refuse to recognise the fact that you suffered none of those inequities in a system specifically designed and delivered by right. Now things are changing slowly with no actual detriment to you and you just cant handle it.
Response to R. Bell
Posted on 13-09-2021 22:41 | By morepork
Robin, I'm not "at" anything again. I have no agenda other than fairness, and that includes Maori and ALL of the diverse ethnicities that constitute our country. I do understand what you are saying and I agree that great work is being done to service remote (often mostly Maori) communities). But you really must drop the chip about the past from your shoulder. Because there WAS a problem does NOT mean that any of us are entitled to more NOW. The current resources are exactly that: current (now). And that means they must be shared fairly. Reparations can, should, and are being made for the past injustices, but as long as a specific group gets advantage in the present, all it does is increase resentment and prevent ongoing work to eliminate Racism. You can't embrace the future if you won't let go of the past.
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