Auckland couple charged over trip to Wānaka

A police checkpoint in Mercer, near Auckland's border with Waikato. Photo: RNZ/Nick Monro.

A couple who breached Alert Level 4 lockdown rules to fly from Auckland to Wānaka have been summonsed to court to be charged.

Police say William Willis, a 35-year-old equestrian from Karaka, and his partner Hannah Rawnsley, a 26-year-old barrister from Pukekohe, have been summonsed to appear on a charge of failing to comply with the Covid-19 health order.

The pair are accused of breaching the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act by crossing the Auckland border unlawfully, using essential worker exemptions, on September 9.

"Police have completed our investigation into an Auckland couple that allegedly used essential worker exemptions to travel through a Police checkpoint, to then fly to Wānaka from Hamilton," says a Police spokesperson.

"The pair, a 26-year-old woman and 35-year-old man, have both been summonsed to court on a charge of failing to comply with the health order (COVID19)."

They are expected to appear in the Papakura District Court on October 14 2021.

"Police have carried out a thorough investigation into this matter," says a Police spokesperson.

"While we appreciate there is a high level of public interest in this case, Police are unable to comment further while the matter is before the Court."


Fair enough....... But

Posted on 22-09-2021 21:08 | By Walbuck

what about the thousands of others than tried to get through checkpoints for similar reasons and got turned around. That's no different and they aren't being charged. Seems we only punish success in NZ


Posted on 23-09-2021 08:04 | By Slim Shady

Mummy Judge and the barrister will be poring over the documents looking for an uncrossed T, any botched Police procedural action or a loophole in Sir Ashley’s Health Order. This one still has along way to go.

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