As Auckland begins its first weekend under Alert Level 3 restrictions, Police are pleased with an overall high level of compliance.
"Checkpoint staff reported no significant incidents or issues overnight and there were no further COVID prosecutions in the 24 hours ending 5pm yesterday," says a Police spokesperson.
Police in Auckland will carry out visibility patrols to help ensure everyone continues to adhere to Alert Level 3 restrictions this weekend.
"That means staying local, keeping bubbles tight and maintaining physical distance from others when exercising outdoors, accessing essential services or collecting takeaways.
"Now is not the time to lose sight of why these restrictions are in place and jeopardise everyone's efforts to date."
Since Alert Level 3 came into place, in Auckland and Upper Hauraki three people have been charged with a total of three offences as at 5pm yesterday, Friday September 24.
Of these, one is for Failing to Comply with Order (COVID-19), one is for Failure to Comply with Direction/Prohibition/Restriction, and one is a Health Act Breach.
In the same time period, one person was formally warned.
Police have received a total of 402 105-online breach notifications relating to businesses, mass gatherings or people in Auckland and Upper Hauraki.
Updated checkpoint data will be available on Monday.
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