Public health warning for Grahams Stream at Tairua

The water at Grahams Stream should be avoided for all recreational use. Image: Waikato DHB.

A Public Health warning has been put in place for Grahams Stream, Tairua as routine sampling at this location has recently and historically identified levels of enterococci and E. coli bacteria above recommended guideline levels for recreational use.

Warning signs will remain in place until further monthly testing indicates that the enterococci levels are below the recommended guideline value.

The other coastal locations beaches regularly monitored throughout the Thames-Coromandel region are Buffalo Beach at Whitianga, Hot Water Beach, Onemana Beach, Pauanui Beach, Tairua Beach, Whangamatā Beach, and Whiritoa Beach. These currently remain below the warning level for enterococci bacteria.

Waikato DHB's Medical Officer of Health Dr Richard Wall recommends that where Public Health warnings are in place, the water at these beaches should be avoided for all recreational use.

'If you do use the water for recreational purposes when a warning sign is in place, then you are potentially exposing yourself to harmful pathogens that can cause illnesses including gastroenteritis (such as cryptosporidium, campylobacter), respiratory illnesses, ear infections and serious diseases such as hepatitis A," says Dr Wall.

"As it can take a few days for samples to be analysed from the time of their collection, it is possible that the water was contaminated at the time you went swimming. If you remain well, you do not need to take any action. If you feel unwell it is recommended that you visit your local GP for further information or if medical assistance is required."

Any rainfall, particularly after a dry period, can potentially increase pathogen levels in the water and therefore increase the risk of illness. This is due to pathogens being washed into the coastal waters and remaining present for up to two days after rainfall events.

It is advised that people avoid swimming at beaches for 48 hours after heavy rain.

The latest coastal recreational water quality information can be found on the Waikato Regional Council website at:


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