Stolen vehicle involved in critical injury crash

Five children were injured in the crash. File photo/SunLive.

Police can confirm the vehicle involved in last night's serious crash involving five children had been stolen from Hamilton.

Enquiries also suggest the vehicle was linked to a burglary on Monday evening in Matamata.

"This information, together with other lines of enquiry, are being assessed by Police staff investigating this crash," says Waikato District Commander Superintendent Bruce Bird.

"It is too early to provide detail on the cause of the crash itself other than to say speed appears to be a likely factor."

Police are not looking to locate anybody else in relation to the crash, and police had no interaction with the vehicle prior to it.

Four children remain in a critical condition in Waikato Hospital's Intensive Care Unit.

One of these children is expected to be transferred to Starship Children's Hospital later today.

A fifth child remains stable in Waikato Hospital.


SO let's get things RIGHT !!

Posted on 28-12-2021 22:40 | By The Caveman

FIVE KIDS in a stolen vehicle, (the oldest being 13 years old !!!!!!) that has been involved in a number of CRIMINAL activities in the Waikato, and the "police" seem to be putting out media information that suggest that somehow these so called KIDS cannot be blamed !!!!!

Let's hope for the best.....

Posted on 29-12-2021 16:31 | By groutby

.........of outcomes for all involved, but really?..the police say 'speed appears to be a likely factor'??.. How about the likelehood the driver is at best 13 years driving skills or experience...involved with a youth criminal gang who as it is stole this vehicle from a different area...very possibly 'on' parental of family intervention (it would seem)...OMG the list could go on...and it is said 'speed is a factor'!!..unbelievable. We, as a society have changed so much in particular the last couple of years, blaming all on 'Covid'...sadly not much of it at all in a good way. If we don't 'get a grip' on this real soon it will become another permanent part of 'normal' life as we know it. All very sad and worrying. That said, if the outcomes are good, there will be a very, very big 'learning curve' for all concerned.

@The Caveman

Posted on 31-12-2021 12:38 | By morepork

Blame really serves little purpose. It won't undo the crimes or repair the children. What we should be doing is recognizing the situation, and making sure the people concerned take responsibility for the events. Start with the parents. Interviews, assessments, and, if they are unco-operative or hostile, fines. Maybe, Court Ordered parenting skills training and consultations. Then the kids need to be made to confront the damage they have done. Not just the property damage but also the people who have been damaged by their actions. It needs to be clear that "being young" is not a banner to shelter negative behavior, without consequences. I would require these kids to spend some time doing chores for the people they ripped off, as an amends project. We can rant and rave all we want about the dissolution of the rising generation, but it needs positive action with clear messages.

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