Man accused of refugee‘s murder remains in custody

Police told Kareem’s family his injuries were not what they’d expect from a typical fishing incident. Photo: MARK TAYLOR/Stuff

A man charged with the murder of Abdul Kareem​, whose body was pulled from a river in Waikato on Tuesday, has appeared in court.

Kareem, aged 40 from the Auckland suburb of Māngere, had been fishing at his favourite spot at the Whangamarino River off Island Black Rd in Meremere around 11am on Tuesday, family spokesman Irfan Qureshi​ previously told Stuff.

A 35-year-old man facing a single charge of murder appeared in the Hamilton District Court on Saturday morning.

He was remanded in custody and without plea to next appear in the High Court in Hamilton on March 8.

Duty lawyer Gerard Walsh applied for interim name suppression for the man until that date, and this was granted by community magistrate Terry Bourke.

According to police, Kareem last had contact with his family about 4pm, and when he didn't return home, his family went to the fishing spot to find police there and his body recovered.

'We'd like to thank the public for the information we have received, which has helped piece together what happened to Mr Kareem,” says Detective Inspector Daryl Smith​.

Police were still seeking information and asked anyone who used the boat ramp on Tuesday to get in touch via 105, quoting case number 220215/4486.

That included anyone who was in the vicinity of Island Block Rd, the Island Block Rd bridge and the Whangamarino River between midday and 5pm.

Kareem and his family, including his wife, three daughters aged 8, 10, 13 and a 22-month-old son, arrived in New Zealand as refugees from Myanmar, formerly called Burma, about five years ago.



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