17:33:52 Wednesday 26 March 2025

Elections: More candidates put their hands up

Who will represent Tauranga following this year’s elections?

More candidates have popped their hands up to run in the two separate elections coming to Tauranga this year.

The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party's Christopher Coker, The Act Party's Cameron Luxton and The NZ Outdoors & Freedom Party's Sue Grey will run in the Tauranga MP seat by-election, left vacant by National MP Simon Bridges' retirement.

A past farmer and owner of a building company, ACT's Cameron Luxton went head-to-head with Simon Bridges and Labour's Jan Tinetti and five other candidates in the 2020 General Election. Read more about Cameron here.

Christopher is a well-known cannabis advocate in the Bay of Plenty.

The 44-year-old family man is currently working in the hemp industry with a particular interest in the hemp housing sector.

Christopher Coker.

The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party states it is important to continue the korero on cannabis law reform.

Sue Grey. Supplied photo.

Sue Grey is the co-leader of the NZ Outdoors & Freedom Party. She says this is a great opportunity for Tauranga to make a stand and reclaim democracy by voting for a new style of leader who has a long track record of speaking up and fighting for the people.

"If the people want change I'm committed to continue to be their voice. We've done so much from outside the system. Just imagine what our incredible team can achieved if the people of Tauranga give us a chance to get into the inside."

Labour list MP for Tauranga, Jan Tinetti, has also officially confirmed she will run.

She ran for the Tauranga seat in 2020 General Election and placed second, only 1856 votes behind Bridges.

National Party nominations for the vacant seat will close on April 13, with a candidate expected to be announced after that.

Labour's Jan, Act's Cameron, and ALCP's Christopher will run against confirmed candidates Tauranga City Councillor Andrew Hollis and past by-election candidate Peter Wakeman.

The city's MP by-election will be in mid-June.

Announced Wednesday, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the by-election will be held on Saturday, June 18, with Writ Day Wednesday, May 11.

'The deadline for candidate nominations to be received will be midday Tuesday, May 17, and the last day for the return of the Writ will be Sunday, July 10,” says the Prime Minister.

Kat MacMillan.

Meanwhile, Welcome Bay resident, former Heart Foundation regional manager and Tauranga Riding for Disabled CEO, Kat MacMillan has confirmed she is running in the Bay of Plenty Regional Council's October Local Body Elections.

'I'm running for regional council because I have a vision for the BOP,” says Kat.

'[That is] Protected and restored ecosystems, fresh waterways and clean oceans, public transport for all, honouring Te Tiriti, sustainable green growth and a low carbon future. I'm driving for a naturally thriving BOP.”


Tauranga By Election on June 18th

Posted on 08-04-2022 09:48 | By carpedeum

OK ....I’ll ask ...which parties are Peter Wakeman and Andrew Hollis standing for? or are they standing as independents ?

Screaming Loonies

Posted on 08-04-2022 10:02 | By Slim Shady

It’s a dire situation. According to Government data 25% of Kiwis are illiterate. I think this is reflected in the candidates that are now showing up. The place is going down the toilet.

@Slim Shady

Posted on 12-04-2022 13:02 | By morepork

It is indeed dire. And that has nothing to do with national literacy rates, which are no worse than most Western countries... The real problem is that we can't seem to attract quality people into public office because they open themselves to extensive abuse (whether deserved or not), the hours are long, and the chances of actually implementing change are slight. It requires altruism, capability, humility, and a sincere desire to make things better. Instead, most candidates see it as a career path with good perqs and power, a chance to ride their own particular hobby horse, and self promote by tearing down their opposition... Most voters are apathetic and don't believe we can do anything anyway. Very occasionally, we get a Winston Peters or a Simon Brides, or a Jan Tinetti, who relate to the people, have vision, and actually care, but adversarial Party Politics intervene.

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