12:34:22 Wednesday 26 March 2025

Clout contesting to be National’s candidate

Kelvin Clout. Supplied photo.

Tauranga businessman and former deputy mayor Kelvin Clout is announcing his intention to stand for the position of the National Party's candidate for the upcoming by-election in Tauranga.

Clout was Tauranga's Deputy Mayor from 2013 to 2019 which he says gives him 'unrivalled insights into Tauranga's many issues, challenges and opportunities”.

'Tauranga's next MP needs a detailed grasp of our local issues, and strong connections with the diverse sectors that hold a stake in our city's exciting future.”

Having worked in both corporate and self-employed enterprises, Clout says he has a passion, and high regard, for the value and needs of businesses, both large and small.

'It's amazing how few government MPs have any experience of the business world, nor the innovation and pragmatism needed to navigate through these current international and domestic storms.”

Clout has been an active member and supporter of the National Party for many years and shares the party's values of 'hard work and enterprise, individual responsibility, democratic principles, strong families and caring communities”.

'I believe that New Zealanders will be better off under a Chris Luxon-led National government.”

If Clout is selected to become the National Party's candidate, he is keen to hold the Government to account for its present direction and legislative programme.

'This Labour Government seems intent on forcing through a command-and-control, socialist agenda. Its actions are only exacerbating the cost-of-living crisis facing New Zealanders, and is repeatedly failing to deliver.

'It has also prohibited Tauranga residents from voting for our own local council representatives in 2022. It is obvious that the good people of Tauranga are becoming increasingly frustrated with this Government and are relishing the chance to express this at the ballot box in June.”

Clout believes he is in the MP sweet-spot: he has acquired the ‘wisdom of age' but is young enough to possess the energy and drive an effective local MP needs.

'I believe the broad range of life experiences I have enjoyed in terms of family, business, politics and civic affairs stands me in good stead to be a valuable representative for the diverse communities within Tauranga Moana.

'I am also blessed to have the tireless support of my wife Kathryn, who brings her skills and experiences to the table. Together we want to help this country to be a more prosperous home where all New Zealanders can thrive, like our three children and four mokopuna. That is why I am running to become the Member of Parliament for Tauranga.”



Posted on 08-04-2022 09:25 | By Yadick


April Fools

Posted on 08-04-2022 10:01 | By Informed

Please tell us that National can do much much much better than this.

Not a good idea

Posted on 08-04-2022 12:32 | By dolofry

He must be joking! No political future in this city for past councillors, please.

Oh please NO!

Posted on 08-04-2022 13:07 | By AuntyMinnie

Anyone but him.


Posted on 09-04-2022 13:09 | By Let's get real

So who are all the naysayers going to vote for...? I'm not suggesting that Mr Clout is good, bad or indifferent, but until we know for certain who is running how can we possibly decide the best possible person to represent Tauranga. But for me it won't be Labour, Greens or the cannabis promoter.

I'll be looking more closely at ACT.

Posted on 10-04-2022 13:19 | By morepork

Nothing personal, but it is hard to elect Kelvin. The article is just cliches that we would expect; I don't see much fire or passion over the division of a nation and the suppression of Democratic choice in Tauranga. I don't know until the day, where my vote will go, but I'll be doing more homework than I would if Simon were running.

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