Two successful golf tournaments in Waihi

The ladies winning pennants team. Photo: Supplied.

The Waihi Golf Club's annual Vet's two day tournament was held successfully last week.

Sponsored by Summerset by the Sea and Craig's Investment Partners, the Monday and Tuesday event featured a field of 103 starters.

Of these, 48 were visitors from 23 other clubs, spread from Kerikeri in the north, to Maranui (Napier) in the south provided for a great friendly event.

On Monday the field enjoyed idea, sunny conditions, while Tuesday was cooler and overcast due to the impending approach of Cyclone Fili.

The decision was made to bring the starting time forward to 8am which proved to be a wise one as the first rain arrived just as the last of the field had completed their round.

There was some terrific scoring on the Monday, but the cooler second day saw many drop back.

This year the tournament's format was three mixed divisions, rather than the separate men's and ladies sections as in the past. Thanks to the main sponsors as well as many local businesses, a well laden prize table was presented to bring the tournament to a conclusion.

The main prize winners were:

Division 1 nett winner was Waihi's Tim Parish (137) with John Giffney (138) second.

Division 2 was won by Helen Baynes (136) followed by Ole Iverson (Mangawhai) (137).

Division 3 nett winner was Edna Connelly (135) with Jan Robinson (138) next.

The stableford results were Division 1, Wendy Matutinovich (77) from Francis Gascoigne (77) on a count back. Division 2 was won by Gyan Prole (76), with Tim Reehal (75) from Omokoroa. Division 3 winner was Andrew McLennan (78), from Tom Wallace (77)

A feature of the tournament was the silver trophies for the most successful Waihi man and lady. This year Edna Connelly, and Tim Parish were the deserved winners'.

The winner of Vets Div 1, and top Waihi man Tim Parish, Rodger Bagshaw (Vet's Capt), Fiona Nelson (Summerset).


Congratulations to the Wednesday Ladies Pennant's Team for winning the Central Zone Pennants' competition.

The final round was played at Omokoroa, and the final result was a tie between Waihi and Otumoetai. To finally decide the winner, the lowest handicapped player from each team had to retrieve their gear from their cars, and play a one whole playoff on Omokoroa's par 5 twelfth hole.

Waihi's Carol Leary played the hole perfectly for a par which the Otumoetai lady could not match. Best of luck to the Waihi team for when they play the Central Zone final at the Springfield course in May.

The Dreamers player of the week was Shoneen Dunning with a nett 69.


After the cyclone had passed, the Thursday men enjoyed a perfect sunny day for their haggles. In the morning haggle in the senior field it was that man again, Ken Purcell (39) who was clear of Bruce Rutter, and Ross Fitness, both with 36 points. In the second division, David Ashton had 40 points, followed by Mark Mora (39), with Peter Wright, Alex Standfield, and Eddie Bruce all with 36. In the afternoon haggle, Damian Dunlop (38) had the best score, with Andy Roche, and Mike McGuire next, each with37 points, then Kelly Exelby with 36.


On another great day for golf, the Saturday ladies played a nett haggle this week, and the top performer was Susan Mustard with a nett 69. Close behind with nett 70's was Jackie Robson, Kaylene Croker, and Sharon Deacon, with Denise Donald next with 72.


Being Easter Saturday the field's had some visitors included in the two haggles. In the morning haggle Graham Leigh top scored with 40 points, just ahead of Vince Jones and Rodger Bagshaw with 39. Alex Standfield, Tom Rowbotham, and John Libby were next on 38. In the afternoon haggle, Paul Williams (41) just squeaked home ahead of Damian Dunlop (again!) and Mark Tomsett, both with 40 points. Next was Colin Dunning (Pakuranga) and Murray Gutry (Hamilton) both with 38 points.

The winner of Div 3, and top Waihi lady Edna Connelly and sponsor Fiona Nelson (Summerset).


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