Sam Uffindell launches Tauranga campaign

Watch Live: Sam Uffindell is launching his Tauranga campaign with National Party leader Christopher Luxon at Maunganui. Photo: SunLive.

National's Tauranga candidate Sam Uffindell officially launched his campaign in Mount Maunganui today, outlining how he'll work hard to address the issues Tauranga faces.

The launch event, held at Mount Maunganui College, was preceeded by a walk-about down Mount Mainstreet, where Sam was joined by party leader Christopher Luxon as the two greeted shoppers along the sidewalk.

Sam was joined again by Christopher on stage as well as hundreds of supporters as he shared how he will be a strong local voice for Tauranga.

'I'm aspirational for Tauranga and want it to remain one of the best places to live, work and raise a family. I'll work tirelessly to address the barriers standing in the way of that aspiration.

'People in Tauranga are sick of sitting in traffic caused by poor roading infrastructure and are finding it harder to get ahead due to the cost-of-living crisis."

Sam outlined his vision for Tauranga under a Christopher Luxon-led National team which would prioritise investment in infrastructure, address the cost-of-living crisis, restore local democracy and attract talent to our city.

'After an international career fighting financial crime, my wife Julia and I decided to return home so our kids could grow up in the Bay of Plenty and call themselves Kiwis. But for us to make sure that Tauranga stays the best place to raise a family, we need to make sure it's safe and offers the best opportunities for everyone,” Mr Uffindell says.

National leader Christopher Luxon told the audience Uffindell and National would work incredibly hard for every vote during this campaign.

'It's so great that in Sam we've got someone who is aspirational for the future of Tauranga, but understands the challenges you've got right now, like empty shops, clogged roads, gang activity on the rise and a cost-of-living crisis making it harder to get ahead,” says Luxon.

'National is committed to the issues that matter to Kiwis up and down the country, and our campaign in Tauranga will focus on those same issues. Just like how Sam is aspirational for Tauranga, National is aspirational for New Zealand. We want everyone to be able to get where they need to be faster and safer, and for Kiwis to have more in their back-pocket at the end of each week.

'With Sam's experience fighting financial crime and getting things done, he will be an important part of our National team and we'll be fighting hard to have him join our Caucus after June 18.”

Earlier, 10.50am Watch live as Tauranga National Party candidate Sam Uffindell launches his campaign with National Party leader Christopher Luxon at Mount Maunganui this morning.

Sam and Christopher were out and about earlier walking along on Mount Mainstreet chatting wth people outside the cafes before heading to Mount Maunganui College for the launch.

At the campaign launch Sam will set out his key issues for Tauranga which includes, amongst others, infrastructure, roading, cost of living, community safety and housing.

Earlier, the pair enjoyed a stroll along Mount Mainstreet.

"This is a fantastic part of the world," says Sam. "The feedback we're getting from everyone is that they want us to address our roading infrastructure. They want us to address the cost of living. They don't necessarily feel that safe so we need to address crime and gangs, and we need to rejuvenate our CBD."

National Party leader Christopher Luxon is clearly enjoying being in Tauranga on a sunny autumn Saturday.

"It doesn't get any better than this," says Christopher. "Of any place you want to be in New Zealand today, I reckon this is the place to be. Beautiful sun as always, amazing people and we're just out and about getting a sense of what are the issues on the ground here in Tauranga, and how can Sam represent the community so well."


Glad to see...

Posted on 07-05-2022 13:17 | By morepork

... he supports Democracy, is against co-governance and 3 waters, and believes our Council should be elected. Chris Luxon seems to think many things are "awesome" which really fail to inspire awe in me, but that may just be me... The bottom line for me is that Sam looks like a promising candidate (he made several promises in his address) but there is a way to go yet.

Bold new ideas

Posted on 07-05-2022 19:27 | By Informed

Once again National has come up some bold new policy ideas - Roads - and like every other election they will deliver nothing. Could even say which roads and how they would do it.


Posted on 07-05-2022 21:15 | By groutby

.......roads were certainly mentioned but how do you know already 'they' will deliver nothing..'like every other election'?..can you produce your facts please...the voters are waiting.....


Posted on 08-05-2022 11:42 | By Slim Shady

I don't know how Labour supporters dare even comment. EVERYTHING is worse under this Government. They lurch from one crisis to another, though they don't like it being called a crisis, and they have built nothing despite saddling the country with a mountain of debt.

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