Oropi Grove Mountain Bike Park temporary closure

The eastern side of the Oropi Grove Mountain Bike Park (shaded in purple) will be closed for three days from Monday, September 5, to Wednesday, September 7. Image: Google Maps.

Bike riders are being warned a temporary closure of the Oropi Grove Mountain Bike Park next month.

The eastern side of the Oropi Grove Mountain Bike Park will be closed for three days from Monday, September 5, to Wednesday, September 7.

This is so Tauranga City Council can investigate the condition of water pipelines that send water to the Oropi treatment plant and distribute water to the city, says a spokesperson for the city council.

"The investigation is required to help plan for a proposed harvest of the pine forest in early 2023.

"The harvest will ensure the long-term safety of the city's water supply operation and users of the mountain bike park.

"The western side of the park, which can be accessed from Joyce Road, will remain open.

"The work is weather dependent and will be postponed to Monday, September 12, to Wednesday, September 14, if needed."

The closure affects the eastern side of the track.


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