GRAPHIC: Dog found hanging from tree

SunLive has chosen to black out the image as some may find it distressing. Photo: Supplied/SPCA.

Warning: Caution is advised in reading this story. The above photo has been blacked out as some people may find it distressing. The photo can be viewed in full at the bottom of the story if you choose to.

The SPCA is appealing for urgent information about a dog which has been found hanging from a tree in the Bay of Plenty.

The organisation received an animal cruelty complaint on Sunday, August 21, regarding a white, young adult, bull bred female dog, hanging from a tree at the Onepu Mountain Bike Park, near Whakatane.

SPCA Inspectorate team lead Alex Jones says the dog was located about 40 metres to the right of the first entrance to the park, next to Lake Tamurenui.

The dog was hanging from a thick blue green coloured rope.

After speaking to the forensic pathologist, SPCA was told the dog was alive when she was hung and would have died slowly, as dogs have a secondary blood supply to the brain.

The dog also has extensive bruising to her internal lower abdomen indicating being punched or kicked.

The dog has no identification tags and is not registered. SPCA has made extensive efforts to try and find further information on the dog, and is now appealing to the public for witnesses and information.

'We are extremely saddened and horrified about the way this dog spent her last moments alive,” says Alex.

'She would have been incredibly frightened and in pain. We are urging anyone with information on this dog to come forward. The park is well used and has registered about 24,000 users a year, including dog walkers, runners and mountain bikers.”

SPCA urges anyone with information to contact Rotorua SPCA on (07) 349 2955, quoting job number SB366725.


This is the act of a disturbed person.

Posted on 12-09-2022 13:29 | By morepork

Whether you like dogs or you don't, this is about finding someone who is seriously ill, before further harm can be done. Hard to imagine the background that would bring someone to this... The sooner they are caught and dealt with, the better for the whole community.

Jail Time

Posted on 12-09-2022 13:56 | By oceans

The blood thirsty individual who did this needs to have extensive prison time. How could anyone be so cruel. If to an animal who's to say he wouldn't do the same to a human.

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