Fake cop caught after pulling over real cop

A man who pretended to be a police officer was undone after pulling over a real police officer. Photo: Christel Yardley/Stuff.

A man who pretended to be a police officer to stop other drivers was only caught because he pulled over a real police officer.

Stuff has now revealed how Glenn Alan Mathias came to be sentenced for impersonating a police officer, after receiving the sentencing notes for the 41-year-old.

Mathias was sentenced to 100 hours community work, 12 months supervision and a reparation bill of $200 at Te Kūiti District Court back in June after pleading guilty to impersonating a police officer, and for the theft of a weed eater, welder, helmet and radio, all valued at $600.

Stuff had previously reported on Mathias after revealing how on two occasions, April 22 and 24, 2018, he was driving his utility vehicle in Puketapu when he 'activated flashing blue and red lights on the dash of his vehicle”.

According to an Official Information Act request, since 2011, 85 New Zealanders have been convicted for impersonating police officers.

The first victim, assuming Mathias was a police officer, pulled over and stopped.

'The defendant walked up to the driver's door and told her she was lucky he was not on duty, claiming she had committed an offence by having her lights on full,” the summary of facts said.

The second offence followed the same pattern, only with him telling the victim they had crossed the centre line.

'He was asked for his police ID, but claimed he did not have it, but said he was from the Taupō Police,” the summary said.

'After giving some traffic safety advice he got back in his vehicle and drove off.”

According to the sentencing notes of Judge Robert Spear, it can now be revealed his downfall 'only came about because one of the persons whom you pulled over was an off-duty police officer”.

Spear said of the two charges, the impersonation caused him most concern.

Judge Robert Spear, pictured at Hamilton District Court, said Glenn Mathias would face prison if caught impersonating a police officer again.

'Offending of this type often suggests that someone appears completely dissatisfied with who they are and feel they should adopt a false persona to make them feel better,” Spear said.

'At least, that is the pop-psychology I apply to it, and it is not the first occasion that I have had to deal with charges of this nature.”

Spear said he agreed with prosecution argument that 'charges of impersonating a police officer need to be considered seriously because of the impression of the police that can be left with those whom you interact and present yourself in that false way”.

Spear said police officers are trained to deal with difficult situations, which he said can arise when cars are pulled over for traffic infringements.

'You are not trained in that way,” he said.

'Indeed, you were not equipped to deal with a confrontation if that had occurred. Matters could easily have got out of hand.”

Spear also said it was 'fortunate” Mathias had been charged with offences, as 'this has enabled some of the personal issues confronting you to be addressed”.

He said most of his difficulties related to alcohol.

'If you got a bit of a thrill out of pulling those cars over and pretending to be a police officer, I can assure you that if you attempt to do this again you will go to prison, which will be anything but a thrilling experience for you.”

- Benn Bathgate/Stuff.



Posted on 26-10-2022 18:11 | By Slim Shady

85 people impersonating Police in such a small country. Staggering. Tonight Matthew, I’m going to be Officer Dibble from Hicksville.

If he gets caught again...

Posted on 27-10-2022 17:08 | By morepork

... he can do a really good impression of a drunk impersonating a prisoner.

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