Tauranga’s first accessible changing room opens

Tauranga Special School professional learning leader Jo Crean and student Laren Haworth explore Tauranga's new accessible changing facility at Hopukiore - Mount Drury Reserve in Mount Maunganui. Photo: Supplied.

Tauranga's disabled community and others who are unable to use existing accessible public toilets will be better able to enjoy our coastal environment following the opening of the city's first accessible changing facility.

The facility, which includes a height adjustable sink and toilet, adult changing table, shower, and hoist, is located at Hopukiore – Mount Drury Reserve and was officially opened today following a blessing by kaumatua Pahu Akuhata (Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāti Pukenga).

The facility was built by Tauranga City Council at the request of the Tauranga Special School and supported by the Tauranga Disability Advisory Group to give everyone the opportunity to enjoy themselves in our coastal environment. Council has also teamed up with Changing Places NZ to become a facility within its New Zealand network

'The new facility will open up our students' and families' worlds because now they will be able to access the community facilities in the Mount for longer and more enjoyable periods of time,” says Tauranga Special School professional learning leader Jo Crean.

'No longer will they need to pack everything up, or plan for just short visits because the facility will provide everything they need if their family member needs a change. We are just so very grateful for this amazing facility.”

Wheelchair user and Council disability advisor Amanda Lowry says the facility is a 'massive win” for the disabled community.

Tauranga Disability Advisory Group members Bryce McFall and Amanda Lowry supported Tauranga Special School in its quest for Tauranga's first accessible changing facility.

'Locals and visitors alike will be able to enjoy everything that Mount Maunganui has to offer – a wander/roll around Mauao, or a trip up in the TrailRider, followed by a dip in the ocean.

'For me, being able to have a hot shower and get changed after a swim in the ocean is something that hasn't been possible until the opening of this facility – it's about equal opportunity. I'll be warm and dry and get to join my whānau for amazing kai – just like everybody else.”

Approximately 27 per cent of Bay of Plenty residents identify as having a disability.

Council community services manager Barbara Dempsey says the facility supports the Long-term Plan goal of Tauranga being an inclusive city where everyone in our community can participate fully.

'To support this goal, we're working to remove barriers faced by disabled people. For many disabled people with high needs, a trip to the beach can be difficult if there is nowhere for caregivers to assist them with toileting and showering. This facility provides a safe and hygienic space which gives everyone dignity and privacy.”

Jenn Hooper from Changing Places NZ says these rooms are truly life changing for those in our communities with the highest and most complex care needs.

'We're thrilled that Tauranga City Council has joined us early, in what will be our nationwide network of world-leading, high specification public bathrooms.”

The facility will be open 7am to 8pm.

Regular users can apply to Council for a free swipe tag to access this facility. Members of the Changing Places NZ network can use their access tag for this room as well as all others within their nationwide network, and casual users can access the facility by contacting Council via an on-site intercom.

The accessible changing facility is one of many accessibility features available in Mount Maunganui, including mobility parking, accessible picnic tables, beach access mats, beach wheelchairs and Te Kaiwhakatere -TrailRider which allows disabled people and their friends to enjoy the views from the Mauao summit.

To find out more about the accessible changing facility and to apply for a free swipe tag visit www.tauranga.govt.nz/accessiblechangingfacility. For more information about Changing Places NZ and to apply for a nationwide access tag visit www.changingplaces.org.nz.

Council also invites the community to join the Te Kaiwhakatere - TrailRider Fun Day at Hopukiore – Mount Drury Reserve on Saturday December 3 from 10am-5pm. For more information visit www.tauranga.govt.nz/trailrider


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