Getting cheeky for a good cause

Nude Dude swimmers are lent a bright pink sarong to wear to the water’s edge before getting in the nuddy. Photo: Alana Dresner.

All will be bared as local do-gooders get cracking to raise funds for breast cancer this December.

That's right – it's the Nude Dude Swim 2022 on Tuesday, December 6 – where brave-hearted locals are invited to bare all and swim 100 metres for a good cause – in the nude.

Service manager Helen Alice from Breast Cancer Support Service Tauranga Trust says the charity adopted the idea after being inspired by the Sydney Skinny.

'What I loved about it is it was a real celebration of your body no matter what its shape and form and that was really bought home to me by two women who had both had mastectomies – they were participating in the nude swim and really enjoying it.”

The Nude Dude Swim fundraiser is for ages 18-plus and will be discrete.

'We have it at an undisclosed location and it's a non-spectator event just to make it feel safe for people – it can be quite exposing taking your clothes off so to speak.

'There's lots of nervous laughter as they're all in this together.”

'Most of the people are doing it because they know someone who's had breast cancer and they want to support the local charity – and we always have people who have had breast cancer themselves participating.”

Funds raised from this cheeky charity swim will go directly to Breast Cancer Service Tauranga Trust –providing emotional and practical support for people with breast cancer.

Sign up for the swim, sponsor a friend or whanau member taking part or donate at:


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