Police are steering towards a more electric future

Supplied photo.

Police are steering towards a more electric future, with a further roll-out of electric pool vehicles advancing the commitment to reduce the organisation's carbon footprint.

A trial of 38 EVs began at the end of November, using Hyundai Konas, which have a range of about 400km on a single charge.

You won't see them with red and blue flashing lights, however. The EVs will be for non-operational work.

While Police currently have a Skoda Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle for frontline operations, work in that space is ongoing given the criteria frontline cars must meet, says a police spokesperson.

"The trial of the Hyundais will see GPS and usage data analysed over the next six months to determine the success of the project, along with focus group sessions with users to get first-hand feedback.

"The EVs have been rolled out so far in Wellington, and a further 14 locations will receive vehicles over the next three months."

New Zealand Police has one of the largest vehicle fleets in New Zealand, with 3500 vehicles, including about 2200 liveried patrol cars registered vehicles - one of the largest fleets in New Zealand.

The fleet, including motorcycles, boats and helicopters, produces approximately 70 percent of Police's carbon emissions.

In June 2020, the Prime Minister encouraged Chief Executives in Government to consider replacing their light vehicle fleets with electric vehicles to support government's target.

"New Zealand Police is committed to procuring battery electric vehicles where practical and has outlined a five-year plan to an emissions-free fleet; this is expected to result in a significant reduction in C02 emissions."



Posted on 07-12-2022 19:47 | By groutby

...did I hear the gangs are planning to do the same to...'even things up'...how about this view, if the Police were given authority to have more influence on crime, maybe they wouldn't need to be out as much creating these nasty theoretically harmful emissions in the first place?...

In The Event

Posted on 08-12-2022 07:53 | By Yadick

Of a flat battery they'll be able to call for backup and jump start it with a taser :-))

Says it all

Posted on 09-12-2022 13:38 | By Slim Shady

It has taken them a year to approve the installation of 6 fog cannons so they must have ordered these a decade ago? Or maybe they just try a lot harder when there is a woke box to be ticked rather than actually deterring and detecting crime. They are Climate Police. I guarantee you that in the not too distant future it will be a crime to drive a petrol car and to do so will be more serious than robbing.

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