Fast-track panel approves new Tauranga courthouse

Tauranga Courthouse. Photo: SunLive.

An independent panel has given the go-ahead for the Tauranga Innovative Courthouse, says the Environmental Protection Authority - EPA

The Minister of Justice applied under the Covid-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 to allocate land for, and to build, a new courthouse in central Tauranga.

Following government approcal of $150 million to buld a new High and District Court on the land next to the current courthouse, between Monmouth and McLean streets, the Minister made a notice of requirement application, which was referred to an expert consenting panel.

The application included an archaeological assessment of the project site, as well as transport, infrastructure, urban design and landscape assessments.

The expert consenting panel has made a set of recommendations, subject to conditions.

The decision, made on January 19, comes 82 working days after the project was lodged with the Environmental Protection Authority.

This excludes seven working days the notice of requirement was suspended at the request of the Requiring Authority, the Minister for Justice.

"The EPA is not involved in the decision-making," says an EPA spokesperson.

"We provide advice and administrative support for the panel convener, Judge Laurie Newhook, and the expert consenting panels he appoints."

Read the Tauranga Innovative Courthouse decision

In a statement released last year, the Justice MInister says the current courthouse site is too small to accommodate forecast future demand.

"Additionally, construction can proceed without any disruption to court operations.

"The new building will increase the number of courtrooms, meaning that High Court cases currently being heard in Rotorua will be heard in Tauranga in the future."

The new courthouse is expected to be completed by 2026.


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