Seventh Ave “sacrificial lamb” in council project

Wilson Osteopathy clinical director Andrew Wilson said clients have been cancelling because of the roadworks. Photo: John Borren/SunLive.

Roadworks on one of Tauranga's main roads are hurting businesses, with one owner saying if her parking goes from out front, she'll have to 'shut up shop”.

And a commercial property owner in the area believes Seventh Ave is the 'sacrificial lamb” in the project.

The Cameron Rd end of Seventh Ave will become a cul de sac, preventing any access from the street on to or from Cameron Rd. Businesses on Cameron Rd and Seventh Ave are understood to also lose parking as a result of the change.

The $97.5 million Cameron Road Stage 1 project, by Tauranga City Council, is adding a separated two-way cycleway, bus lanes and making layout changes to Cameron Road between Harrington Street and 17th Avenue.

The upgrading of 100-year-old infrastructure including sewers, wastewater pipes and stormwater treatments was also being undertaken.

Owner of Sand Bakery and Café Lina Chea says business has started to slow down since the roadworks started.

The majority of her customers park out front of her Cameron Road bakery to stop in and quickly get food, so parking was really important, says Lina.

'They [the council] have blocked all the corner parking already. If they block in front of us as well, maybe I need to shut the shop.”

A parking bay at the start of Seventh Ave is no longer accessible from Cameron Rd and it will be reduced to two carparks and become green space once the project is complete.

The parking directly out front of Sand Bakery will become a bus stop and parking has been moved further up the road, but is part of the bus lane so would not be available during morning and afternoon peak traffic.

Wilson Osteopathy clinical director Andrew Wilson questioned why Seventh Ave was the only street chosen to become a cul-de-sac.

'Seventh Avenue is actually a very high thoroughfare avenue. That's going to be quite inconvenient for all the people who do need to access [it] and need access to the parking.”

There were a number of high traffic businesses at the start of the street and four health centres further up, including his own, says Wilson.

Around 50 clients a day visited his clinic, he says.

The traffic and roadworks was already having an impact on business, with people running late or cancelling because they couldn't make appointments on time, he says.

'We probably don't see that recovering to any great extent. Because I don't think people are going to want to come into town much so much anymore with Cameron Road being so restricted in traffic flow, with access being more difficult, and parking being more difficult.”

Wilson says they had asked to council to make Seventh Ave a left turn in only but they had 'not much joy from them”.

As part of the Cameron Road Project Seventh Ave will become a cul-de-sac. Photo: John Borren/SunLive.

Tauranga City Council director of transport Brendan Bisley says during planning and design a number of side streets were considered for cul-de-sac and left in/left out only to help with reducing vehicle turning movements onto Cameron Road and allow safer and better walking and cycling.

'The final design includes a cul-de-sac at Seventh Avenue and a number of side streets restricted to left in/left out only to provide better pedestrian links and green spaces.

'Seventh Avenue was chosen as suitable for a cul-de-sac as this road has good alternative connections for residents onto Cameron Road, which will still be accessible for traffic from Eighth Avenue and Sixth Avenue,” he says.

'To mitigate removed parking, additional time restricted spaces will be installed on the side roads and additional angle parking spaces provided where possible.”

Building owners were also worried their investments would lose value with the road changes and be more difficult to tenant.

Simon Clark owns a commercial property on Seventh Ave that is tenanted and says the changes will have a 'negative effect”.

'People want ease to access with commercial properties so it's definitely going to affect the long-term lease-ability of the property.”

Clark also questioned why Seventh Ave was the only one being completely blocked off, especially seeing Fifth Ave was proposed a cul-de-sac as well but council changed this after consultation with businesses and residents.

'We didn't pick up on it and it was very poorly publicly notified, then we're the weakest link.

'None of the avenues wanted to be closed. We are just the unlucky ones that weren't told correctly about it.

'Why are we the sacrificial lamb?”

Christine Currie owns 405 Cameron Road and says the value of her multimillion dollar property could drop by several hundred thousand dollars because it is no longer a corner site.

'I went and got a valuation from a registered valuer, and it takes a hunk of value off the building.”

Bisley says the council had been working on the project with businesses along Cameron Road for the past few years.

'Communications and consultation have been carried out with businesses and residents along this section of Cameron Road since 2018 about the plans, designs and the construction work, including door knocking and letter drops.

'The design plans were made publicly available in March 2021 and shared with businesses, and have been available on the project webpage since then,” he says.

'Cameron Road needs to provide for all transport modes to a high standard and one of the key outcomes of the project is to make Cameron Road safer for all users.

'We want to create a destination, not just a commuting corridor.”

-Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.


cameron rd

Posted on 22-05-2023 16:21 | By sherob

just a waste of money


Posted on 22-05-2023 16:22 | By Womby

The talk continues to be about people walking and taking the bus. We’ve all seen how many people are actually aboard buses in Tauranga, very few, and Cameron road has never been a pedestrian street. To go to the lakes, Bayfair, Mount main shopping area etc on the day you go shopping you can’t walk, and good luck getting the bus schedule to work out for you. These businesses and building owners are being treated badly


Posted on 22-05-2023 16:25 | By Angel74

Now businesses on cameron road what next as for the green space whats that all about besides a waste ......

No confidence

Posted on 22-05-2023 17:48 | By Kancho

This council and planners take no notice nor do they care. This is a government/ green agenda and I have absolutely no confidence in any thing they do. Greerton was a sample of the over spend, over time and unnecessary work. It gets worse. I haven't been to town for a very long time and avoid Cameron road . I don't see this changing unless a dire need though I expect


Posted on 22-05-2023 19:48 | By Kancho

I hope businesses on Cameron survive the construction time but ongoing problems of access and parking remains a big concern. CBD emptied out a fair bit and I sadly expect the same. The number of impediment to traffic with so many pedestrian crossings will slow everything. Sadly route K hits a bottleneck at Tauriko so the alternative routes will jam up too as people try to avoid Cameron.

Cars begone

Posted on 22-05-2023 23:15 | By waiknot

Sands cafe should be pleased with all the pedestrian and bus passengers able to visit.


Posted on 23-05-2023 07:31 | By Thats Nice

This rubbish is happening all over. The Council/Government can build as many cycle lanes as they want, people simply can't and won't go shopping on a flaming pushbike - end of. To the business's being affecting - move out and then see how the dead cbd and now, surrounding areas will look.

Dumb and dumber

Posted on 23-05-2023 08:08 | By an_alias

Yep they are in charge. Agenda is to force people onto buses that no one wants. Your an endangers species if your a business with govt in charge who have NO actual business experience.


Posted on 23-05-2023 08:47 | By Howbradseesit

Yesterday traffic was backed up the entire length of Elizabet between Devonport and Cameron. Cars could not turn onto Elizabeth from Devonport, so backed up way down Devonport too. Cars and Buses could not get onto Elizabeth from Grey street either. It was grid lock. The council want to tout buses as the way to get around but they can't even stick to a schedule due to congestion and stupid roading decision. Tauranga is going to hell. Slow clap for council planners and Tolley and co. What the heck are you guys doing!?!


Posted on 23-05-2023 12:00 | By Tassie

Well that will send everyone out to the Lakes. Town & Cameron Road will die.


Posted on 23-05-2023 17:21 | By Kancho

I hope not those crazy roundabouts at the lakes the queues to get through or off route K . And congested entry and parking. Poor design again as it jams up badly at times. So mirw at the lakes will move the problems. Cambridge road a problem too.

Get with the programme

Posted on 23-05-2023 19:52 | By Informed

Cars are dead, so are large scale investments in roading. That’s the simple reality across the globe. Yep the Tauranga masses just want to keep sticking their heads in the sand and point fingers at others. Maybe get on a bike (rather than trying to hit them), or grab a bus (rather than complaining about them, or hell try walking.


Posted on 24-05-2023 14:37 | By morepork

I agree 85%. They DID listen to the fierce objections about turning 5th Ave into a cul-de-sac, and reason actually won. 7th Ave was not so lucky. The point is that ALL the businesses are having a hard time and will continue to do so when the works finish. The La La Land pipe dream of people abandoning their cars for unsuitable buses is costing us at least $100 million and then there is the cost of doing it over so it can be fixed... We're screwed.

By Informed

Posted on 25-05-2023 10:32 | By Howbradseesit

I commute on a bike, so I hear you. But have you tried living your life around a bus schedule in Tauranga? How did you find it? You have kids to manage? Get them to school and sports practices? Grocery shop via bus? I can't do this via bike and I can't do this via bus schedule (which is never on time and stuck in the same traffic everyone else is). Councils goal of bike and bus use is great if your a single person, possibly...

@ Informed

Posted on 27-05-2023 18:43 | By groutby

.....'cars are dead'..??...I'm cannot be sure how you could possibly arrive at that conclusion ( other than in your world) so can you please provide relevant verified sites to back up what you have suggested.....(I do not expect a printable reply.) Business and economics suggest not everyone can go about their daily employment on a bike, bus or walking and so suggest so is surely nuttiness in itself. You may well have a free bus pass from your employer and perhaps the heaviest thing you have to lift is a laptop......get a grip on reality and actually become 'informed'....the real world needs to actually do stuff........

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