Tauranga retailer leaves CBD to “survive”

Fancy That owner Bill Campbell left the CBD because of issues with parking an ongoing construction. Photo: John Borren/SunLive.

A Tauranga retailer has packed up and relocated his store out of the city centre because he 'can't see a future there” anymore.

Bill and Frances Campbell opened their gift and souvenir store, Fancy That, in Tauranga in 2008 but moved to Mount Maunganui's main shopping area two weeks ago.

Bill Campbell said parking charges being reinstated last year and a loss of nearby carparks when the Devonport Road parking area was closed impacted business.

'We're moving to survive. If we were going quite nicely in town, we would've stayed.”

The Devonport Road parking lot was closed earlier this year for redevelopment and city council offices will be built on the site.

Tauranga City Council brought back paid on-street parking in December 2022 to increase the turnover of parks after CBD workers were found to be parking in them all day.

Free parking was established in mid-2020 to help businesses struggling in the wake of Covid-19.

Campbell was 'chuffed” with the free parking because it was something he had pushed for to help businesses not only with Covid but with the construction occurring around the CBD.

'It's taken the cream off everything by putting a parking charge back on,” he said.

'The customers were a lot happier when the parking was free.”

He said there were a lot more empty carparks after the charges were reinstated.

Campbell also had concerns that around 150 parks would be removed from The Strand when it was closed for redevelopment.

The northern area of The Strand will be transformed from a carpark to a green reserve later in the year.

'Taking the parking will kill it,” said Campbell.

'It's probably okay for professional people and businesses who don't rely on foot traffic. But for retail, who relies on foot traffic, to take away handy accessible parking, that's 150 less people we're going to have visiting our shops.

'And there is nobody visiting now. You've got to have foot traffic to make things work,” he said.

Bill Campbell said they were 'pleasantly surprised” at how well it was going in their new Mount location. Photo: John Borren/SunLive.

The ongoing construction and redevelopment in the city also had an effect on people visiting and revenue, said Campbell.

He said the last five or six years had been 'terrible” financially.

'It has affected our income seriously.

'The more construction work you have around the city, it might be what they call progress, but it certainly doesn't help business.

'It affects retail seriously. The whole atmosphere of the CBD is being dulled by all the construction work.”

On his move to Mount Maunganui Campbell said they were 'pleasantly surprised” at how well it was going.

'It's nice to see there's no parking wardens,” he said, because parking in Mount Maunganui is free.

TCC general manager of city development and partnerships Gareth Wallis. Photo: John Borren/SunLive.

In response to Campbell's concerns, council general manager of city development and partnerships Gareth Wallis said one of the council's 'main priorities” was to revitalise the city centre.

'After years of inaction, we are now in catch up mode.

'We acknowledge that this revitalisation won't happen overnight and really feel for those businesses who are struggling right now,” he said.

'We are committed to working with them and other organisations, such as Downtown Tauranga, NZ Police and our partner councils, so together we can support our city centre through this period of significant transformation.”   

Yesterday the council reduced the paid on-street parking hours from 6pm to 5pm on weekdays and made Saturdays free, after it was found charging for parking had reduced the number of people visiting the city.

Wallis said these changes showed the council was listening to the concerns of business owners and the community.

'As well as these parking changes, we recently broadened the scope of the City Centre Development Incentive Fund, which will enable us to implement a wider range of initiatives to support the ongoing growth and development of the city centre for a short-to-medium term.”

Council was currently working through how the fund would be allocated, he said.

The northern area of The Strand will be transformed from a carpark to a green reserve. Image: Supplied/TCC.

With The Strand redevelopment, Wallis said they were working through how many carparks would be removed but there would be a drop off zone and some maternity car parks.

The council has previously said it could be 145 parking spots.

'The upgrade of the Dive Crescent carpark across the road will help to offset the loss of carparks in this area,” said Wallis.

In regards to parking, council's general manager infrastructure Nic Johansson said paid parking was reintroduced to support retailers and customers who were concerned people working in the city centre were using on-street parking spaces all day.

'It's still early days, but we are seeing a noticeable increase in available parking spaces during weekdays, which is great news for people wanting to park for a short time, close to their shopping destination.

'As intended, we've been closely monitoring the situation and we've found that Saturdays and weekday evenings are key times when paid on-street parking could be seen as a deterrent for people wanting to spend time in the city centre.”

He said they wanted to remove that barrier, which is why council made the changes on Monday.

Campbell said the council should go back to the two hours free parking because it was the 'most successful thing” for businesses.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air


Same old, same old

Posted on 30-05-2023 12:43 | By Wundrin

Same old claptrap from the council, whose target appears to be to completely remove cars from Tauranga's roads - with no regard for businesses, ratepayers, or anyone else. What better way to achieve that than by blocking the roads and removing all the carparks? As for "revitalising" downtown, you can't breathe life into a corpse! Best wishes to the Campbells in their new enterprise at the Mount hope it works out well for you.

It’s logical

Posted on 30-05-2023 12:51 | By Andrew64

Other businesses will follow as these Commissioners throw good money after bad in a futile attempt to energize the city. People are not going to the city if they have to park when everything required is available elsewhere with free parking. Wake up!


Posted on 30-05-2023 13:00 | By surfsup

It's almost comical to read the statements from the Council regarding parking. Any rational person could have told them the effect introducing parking charges would have especially after 5pm. If these are the caliber of people, we have then we are doomed. My partner went to a function after work in 2nd avenue, came out to find a parking ticket issued at 5.45pm. Needless to say we have not ventured into town again.

Very surprised

Posted on 30-05-2023 13:18 | By nerak

you have lasted that long, Bill. I wish you all the best over the bridge, and sincerely hope the so called council will leave you in peace to do what you do so well. Who's next? Last one out turn off the lights.

Rats leaving a sinking ship

Posted on 30-05-2023 13:28 | By Otumoetai Resident

Downtown Tauranga should be renamed the Titanic as it's a ghost town for retailers. Its surprising theres still anyone in business there. Tauranga Council sold its failed parking building development for just $1 while costing residents millions in this lost asset for their wonderful incompetence. But wait Anne Tolley says Tauranga CBD will be pumping soon when over the road she approves construction of a $350million civic centre that will bring the city back to life. What virtual world does she live in ? We wish Bill & Francis all the best at the new CDB located in Mt Maunganui. But how long will it be before these out of town Commissioners bring back parking wardens at the Mount and start to kill off that business district also? Cant wait for the election to get some democracy back into this city. Dictatorships are for losers.

They just don't get it

Posted on 30-05-2023 13:33 | By nerak

Sick of the dribble constantly coming from staff at council. "Wallis said these changes showed the council was listening to the concerns of business owners and the community." Seriously? Cloth ears, much. "City Centre Development Incentive Fund" = another way to fleece those who pay you! Try asking ratepayers for their thoughts, you know, the ones who have long gone elsewhere, with no plans to revisit the dream team's playgound. Because that is all that it is. If you could actually find some cash strapped ratepayers in the CBD (could take all day to find one or two!) I'm pretty sure the consensus would be it's mismanaged, botched, bungled, screwed, miscalculated, stuffed,...................

Tauranga City Council's Incompetence Driving Businesses Out

Posted on 30-05-2023 13:38 | By BobTga

Listen up, Tauranga City Council! Your incompetence and disregard for local businesses are driving us away. Reinstating parking charges and closing the Devonport Road parking area have crushed our revenue. Removing more parking spaces from The Strand will be disastrous for foot traffic. The ongoing construction work is a nightmare, driving customers away. Your feeble attempts at minor parking adjustments won't cut it. We need real support, like the two hours of free parking that actually worked. It's time to take responsibility, prioritise our needs, and stop hindering progress. Work with us, not against us. Fix the mess you've created before it's too late. Our livelihoods are at stake, and we won't tolerate any more incompetence.

So, the GM of

Posted on 30-05-2023 13:43 | By SML

says ""With The Strand redevelopment, Wallis said they were working through how many carparks would be removed but there would be a drop off zone and some maternity car parks."" Wow! Not a mention of mobility parks! When it's in statistics that 20% of the population has some form of disability, and Tauranga has an increasingly aged populations, designers and GMs clearly haven't tried to get one of the miserably few mobility parks in the CBD by day - and it's far worse at night. Thank goodness there are good restraurants away from the Strand and Grey Street as people in wheelchairs DO like to eat out, just like the rest of the population AND we PAY for our mobility card, for the right to use those parks that are always full of vehicles without the cards.


Posted on 30-05-2023 14:36 | By Rob 36

Never go to city to shop as Tauranga crossing and bay fair are handy and free parking. City centre is dead in my opinion.

I'm not opposed to

Posted on 30-05-2023 15:26 | By Bruja

the downtown 'redevelopment' and the upgrading of services and infrastructure. Yes, it's been neglected for a long time and the 'construction works' are necessary but for goodness sake!....use your loaf, 1) have free parking everywhere, all week, day and night to OFFSET the horrors of construction - and for as long as construction is going on and 2) Allow CBD workers to have free parking in one of the carpark buildings so long as they can provide proof of where they work. That proof can be 'renewed' every two months say and they have a windscreen sticker to display. That way they won't park in the spaces where customers should be able to park.

More Carparks

Posted on 30-05-2023 15:46 | By oceans

What is needed is a multi story carpark, NOT CONTROLLED BY WILSONS. Cheap parking is essential to attract shoppers. Why shop in the city with limited paid parking when you can find just about anything you want at out lying shopping centres , not to mention free parking


Posted on 30-05-2023 15:57 | By Informed

What's wrong with these people, CBD retail is dead globally. But rather than change their businesses, it appears to be easier to hold on to the past and moan at the council.


Posted on 30-05-2023 16:26 | By Border Patrol

...the cunning plan is to empty out all of those pesky shops so then the whole downtown Tauranga area can be all apartments for the well heeled- a marina for their boats directly opposite their dwellings will be the next on the agenda!

Great move - Bill and Frances

Posted on 30-05-2023 20:15 | By The Caveman

However, before the LABOUR CLOWNS are tossed out by National & ACT there will be PARKING METERS in the downtown Mount CBD !!! Mark my words !!


Posted on 30-05-2023 21:21 | By morepork

1. The vitality of a place depends on PEOPLE. 2. PEOPLE get to the place with cars. 3. Cater for PEOPLE (and their cars) and the place WILL be revitalized. The fact that point 2 is lost on our Council and they prefer to get people out of cars by brute force, means that they will NEVER revitalize the City. You will end up with a pleasant green paddock where the car park used to be (maybe they can get some revenue from grazing rights...). Meanwhile, the population will vote with their wheels and go to places that are easy to access, with free parking. It is sad to see businesses having to vote with their feet and leave the CBD, but this nonsense has been going on for years now and no lessons have been learned. The government and its puppet Commissioners need to be removed.

Vote rhese incompetent idiots out!

Posted on 30-05-2023 23:35 | By Ben Dover

This current council have ruined Tauranga by gross ignorance and idiotic decisions and they should all hang their heads in shame.

No brainer!

Posted on 31-05-2023 06:41 | By flyn

Step one: introduce 2 hours free parking in the CBD; Step two: Free parking after 5.00pm and weekend; Step three: Stop being obsessed with cycle and bus lanes, the buses are empty, and bikers represent a tiny percentage of road users.

Just Too Late

Posted on 31-05-2023 07:21 | By Thats Nice

Let's face it, the retail side of things in the CBD is well and truly over and has been for quite some time. Changing the parking hours now is futile as the damage has been done. I don't believe the CBD will ever "pump" again sorry to say as it's just too damn late.

It's time TCC stopped

Posted on 31-05-2023 08:48 | By earlybird

wasting ratepayer money on the CBD. The reality is that Malls have taken the people away from the CBD, and that will continue until, eventually, online shopping will take the people away from the Malls. Unfortunately that is the likely reality of the future.


Posted on 31-05-2023 15:19 | By Let's get real

As someone who has regular contacts with the cruise ship passengers, I have strongly advised against visiting the downtown area and have recommended staying in the vicinity of the Mount shopping area or purchasing a daysaver bus ticket and going to bayfair or papamoa. I feel that it's just wrong to suggest an area devoid of a welcoming atmosphere and shops.

Death by a thousand cuts

Posted on 31-05-2023 18:46 | By michelem

My preference has always been to go into CBD Tauranga to shop. But the past few years have completely undermined the precinct. It could be great! It needs its small businesses and niche shops. It always had lots to offer that the malls just don't. But construction, parking charges and general planning idiocy just piled on the pain after covid have made it so difficult for small businesses. Visitors come in from the cruise ships and there's no there there. But for us who live here, it's turned what used to be a pleasant shopping experience into an obstacle course. Don't let it die. Show some sense and really listen to those businesses.


Posted on 06-06-2023 21:04 | By groutby

......the city centre is quickly becoming just somewhere to go perhaps for dining and maybe waterfront walks only if personal security can be assured.. There seems to be no intention whatsoever to revitalise the retail side of the area ( by current council overlords) and the design and enforced arterial route development into the area does anything but attract high spending 'traffic' does it?.....it must be more than frustrating for local business locked into expensive leases....


Posted on 28-07-2023 22:01 | By Eric Bantona

Great news. A cheaply made souvenir shop of tat will not be missed in a “city” centre. No one visits because they need a tea towel or pukeko poo. I’d be interested to know whether they were so hard up that they had to sell their mustang or do they still have it? Because that’s quite a lot of 10c t-shirts made in Asia, imported for next to nothing and then sold for $10 a time. Looking forward to seeing less articles about their archaic and blinkered views inciting other dinosaurs to roar about the Triassic period and how good it was. They should take note of evolution and adapt to survive.

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