More police in Ōpōtiki tomorrow during gang tangi

Photo: NZ Police.

Motorists should plan for some traffic disruption in and around Ōpōtiki tomorrow say Police.

A large contingent of mourners is expected at a gang tangi in the town on Wednesday.

"We have extra staff from inside and outside the district to support our local team working on the homicide investigation," says a police spokesperson.

"And to provide high visibility for reassurance, and boost numbers for frontline, community and gang liaison staff."

With more than 50 police staff already on the ground, an additional 50 are heading to Ōpōtiki tomorrow.

"We'll be monitoring and watching for any unlawful behaviour, and we'll be prepared to take action but respect that a whānau is in mourning."

Police notified the community of their planned increased presence at around 3pm on Tuesday via their Bay of Plenty & Taupo Police Facebook page.



Posted on 14-06-2023 00:15 | By The Caveman

50 extra Police in town is NOT enough! The gang members will outnumbered the Police 10 to 1 and the gang members who will do whatever they want for the rest of the week !!

Police Resources

Posted on 14-06-2023 06:54 | By Thats Nice

So, an extra 100 Police are having to go to Opotiki to keep the peace when they could be elsewhere. Sad times in NZ now.

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