Ram raiders target Thames mall

Ram raiders caused extensive damage to the Information Centre and Goldfields Mall in Thames this morning. Photos: Coromandel's CFM Facebook/Monika Lange Thames Coromandel Newsfeed.

Police investigating early morning ram raids in Thames are appealing for any information from the public in relation to the crimes.

Detective Senior Sergeant Kristine Clarke says police are investigating a burglary at a commercial premises on Mary Street, Thames.

At around 2.10am, police were called after multiple alarms were activated at Goldfields Mall.

"Five vehicles were used to gain entry and were driven carelessly through the premises. Significant damage was caused, and an unknown amount of goods and money were stolen.

"The offenders fled the scene a short time later."

Kristine says three vehicles involved have since been recovered and police are continuing to follow positive lines of enquiry.

"Police are conducting a scene examination this morning and are working to identify and locate those involved."

Goldfields Mall manaher John Freer told CFM that multiple vehicles were involved and the damage is extensive. The Mall is likely to remain closed for the day.

He says shops with external access such as the Pharmacy will be able to open for things such as prescriptions.

CFM reports that the ram raiders entered the mall via the northern doors and drop through the mall before entering a number of shops including the Vape Shop and The Warehouse.

They then exited via the doors next to McDonalds.

Anyone with information that can assist Police with our enquiries is asked to contact us on 105 or online at 'Update Report' referencing file number 230706/3546.

Information can also be shared anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

1 comment

The Laws need to be tightened

Posted on 06-07-2023 17:06 | By oceans

New Zealand is far too weak when it comes to crimes. If the crimes are carried out by youngsters The parents or legal guardians of the underage individuals should be required to participate in the legal proceedings and take responsibility for their child's actions. They should also be required to attend counseling sessions or support their child's rehabilitation process.

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