8:51:48 Wednesday 26 March 2025

Mercury’s Tauranga Community Fund is open

Mercury's Tauranga Community Fund's latest round is open til July 31. Photo: Mercury.

Mercury's Community Fund, aimed at supporting Tauranga's hardest working people, its volunteers and community organisations, is currently open for applications throughout July.

When considering applications Mercury is looking for projects, initiatives or events that have a connection with manaakitanga, kaitiakitanga and sustainability.

  • Manaakitanga – caring for our communities and people and putting people at the heart of the decision.
  • Kaitiakitanga – taking up the role of guardian and protector of our environment, for future generations.
  • Sustainability – improving, growing, learning and adapting in smart ways to make a difference.

Mercury is continuing to support those in the Tauranga community doing the mahi to for people, place and future with this community fund that Trustpower established in 2020.

'We've kept the best of Trustpower as we transitioned to Mercury, and that includes continuing to be a supporter of the community in Tauranga where many of our team live, work and play,” says Tauranga-based Mercury General Manager Customer Operations, Fiona Smith.

In this round there's $10,000 available and applications for funding are open through till 5pm, July 31.

For more information or to download an application form, head to www.mercury.co.nz/tauranga-community-fund.

Mercury will continue to run the fund three times a year with funding rounds open for the months of March, July and November.

Only organisations that fall within the yellow area on the map can apply for the Tauranga Community Fund. Image: Mercury.


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