Sunken vessel successfully recovered

A vessel which sunk in Mercury Bay last week has been dismantled by salvors after they deemed it irreparable. Photo: Coromandel's CFM.

The 50-foot vessel which sunk in Mercury Bay last week is in the process of being dismantled by salvors on Cooks Beach, with even orca turning up to check out the recovery of the sunken vessel.

Salvors had determined the beach was the easiest and safest place to undertake a controlled demolition of the vessel, which was found to have sustained more damage than first thought when it was inspected on Wednesday.

"We appreciate it has been concerning for some in the community to see the vessel brought up to Cooks Beach for dismantling," says a Waikato Regional Council spokesperson. 

"We’ve been in close contact with the salvage team to ensure any risk to the environment is managed, and staff from our Whitianga-based office have been on the beach too.

"We want to reassure the community that salvors have given an undertaking that all debris will be removed."

Even orca showed up to check out what the maritime officers were up to out on the water in Mercury Bay.

"These beautiful orca came for a bit of a look-see, much to the delight of our team,' says a maritime spokesperson.

The vessel struck rocks near Motukorure Island – also known as Centre Island – sometime before 3.45pm on Wednesday last week and sank with 1300 litres of diesel on board. The skipper and passenger were uninjured. The vessel has since been sitting on a reef 20 metres underwater.

Salvors had been at the site over three days, raising the vessel on Wednesday so it could be easily inspected.

“The salvage team found the hull of the vessel had sustained more damage than first thought,” says Regional On Scene Commander Cliff Gibson. “It was a setback in its recovery, so the vessel was returned to the sea floor to enable the team to put additional plans in place.

“The salvors were back on the scene yesterday [Thursday] readying the vessel for recovery, but strong winds meant the operation couldn’t be completed. Fortunately, winds eased sufficiently this morning [Friday] for the team to get back on the water at dawn and tow the vessel to Cooks Beach.”

Salvors had determined there was potential for the vessel to break up in the channel if they had attempted to tow it to the marina, so Cooks Beach was considered to be the safest destination to undertake a controlled demolition of the vessel.

Absorbent pads have been deployed to soak up remnants of lube oil and a boom is positioned at the back of the vessel to capture any potential discharges.

So far both engines and one fuel tank have been removed. The other tank is due to be taken out of the vessel as part of the ongoing operation.

Absorbent pads at the back of the vessel. Photo: Waikato Regional Council.

Additional reporting: Coromandel's CFM.


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