Burglars thwarted by a pair of sharp eyes

File photo. SunLive.

A collaborative effort between a sharp-eyed Hamilton resident and the local law enforcement is serving as a powerful reminder of the effectiveness of community watch and timely reporting in ensuring public safety.

An alert member of the public has played a crucial role on Monday morning in thwarting a potential burglary as they promptly notified police of suspicious behaviour.

What followed was a swift and coordinated response, with police officers surrounding the building, accompanied by a K-9 unit, resulting in the successful apprehension of four individuals believed to be involved in the attempted break-in.

"This morning at about 7.20am, Hamilton Police were alerted by a member of the public that there was suspicious activity occurring at a commercial premise on Higgins Road, Frankton," says Senior Sergeant Leo Belay.

"Police responded and liaised with the owner of the property who confirmed through remote CCTV that there were multiple offenders in his business stealing items."

Senior Sergeant Belay says officers, including a police dog handler, converged on the address and cordoned it off so that no offenders could escape.

"Police entered the building and subsequently located and arrested four men for burglary."

A vehicle located nearby was searched, and evidence of other commercial burglaries in the Hamilton area over the weekend was located.

"An investigation is ongoing to identify and speak to the victims in relation to this offending," says Senior Sergeant Belay.

All offenders will be held in Police custody and will appear in Hamilton District Court for charges of burglary, and further charges are likely once the preliminary investigation has been completed.


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