CAIL warrant: Police crack down on BOP gangs

The courts have issued Police with a CAIL Warrant following ongoing conflict and tension between Black Power and Mongrel Mob in Ōpōtiki. Photo: File/SunLive.

A CAIL warrant has been issued by the Courts to Police following gang-related incidents in Ōpōtiki and Whakatāne.

Police are stepping up an operation to suppress gang-related violence in Ōpōtiki, following at least two recent incidents in the town involving firearms.

"In the last week, Police have received a number of reports of shots being fired at cars and houses around Ōpōtiki," says Eastern Bay of Plenty Acting Area Commander Senior Sergeant Tristan Murray.

"Offenders for this event were arrested last week."

On Saturday, October 21, Police were called after a 20-year-old woman arrived at the Ōpōtiki Ambulance Station with a gunshot wound.

The woman advised Police that she had been injured when her car was shot at.

She was transported to Whakatāne Hospital in a serious condition.

"Enquiries into the incident are ongoing, however it does appear to be linked to ongoing conflict and tension between Black Power and Mongrel Mob in Ōpōtiki," says Senior Sergeant Tristan Murray.

"Police have today been issued, by the Courts, a warrant under the Criminal Activity Intervention Legislation (CAIL) Act 2023." The CAIL Act enables Police to apply for special search powers during times of gang conflict. The CAIL warrant issued to Ōpōtiki and Whakatāne Police gives officers the ability to search vehicles and places of suspected gang members, and occupants of those vehicles; and to seize firearms, weapons and vehicles.

"Police will continue to take all necessary measures to stamp out this behaviour and hold offenders to account and will be maintaining a highly visible presence across Ōpōtiki and Whakatāne."

Police encourage people to share information on anyone illegally possessing firearms and weapons anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

"That information will be acted upon immediately by our Police in the community," says Senior Sergeant Tristan Murray.

Tairāwhiti - Gisborne area

Police have also stepped up their response to gangs and unlawful activity in Tairāwhiti this last week, invoking effective new search powers to disrupt gang tensions and de-escalate ongoing violence.

Operation Medial was launched by Police following several recent firearms-related events amid tensions between local rival gangs, Mongrel Mob and Black Power.

The Criminal Activity Intervention Legislation Act (CAIL) 2023 enables Police to apply for special search warrant powers during times of gang conflict.

Tairāwhiti Police have invoked these powers giving them the ability to search vehicles and occupants of vehicles of suspected gang members, and to seize firearms and weapons, and vehicles.

The new powers became law in April 2023 and were last invoked by Police in Manawatū in August following the death of Hori Gage.

Police will continue to be out in the community, ready to respond to any unlawful behaviour by gangs and anyone who believes that they are above the law.

"We are sending a clear message to all gangs and the wider public that Police do not tolerate unlawful behaviour and will work hard to hold people to account," says a Police spokesperson.

"Police extend our appeal for information – please, if you see something, say something.

"Your information could be the key Police need to a fast response and helping prevent harm in our community."

People can report any incident in which their safety or that of others is at risk by calling 111 immediately. If it’s already happened, please contact 105.

You can also share information anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.


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