Firms go pink for breast cancer

The new building on the corner of Cameron Road and Elizabeth Street is filled with a pink today as workers in the complex support women with breast cancer.

Staff from KPMG, Staples Rodway, Cooney Lees Morgan, Bayleys and Elizabeth Cafe and Larder are dressing up in pink for a national event raising money for the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation.

KPMG's business advisory three team go crazy for pink.

Pink for a Day is encouraging organisations nationwide to wear pink, share a fuchsia feast or decorate the office in all things pink as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Lisa Heslop from KPMG says staff spotted the event online and thought it would be a great way for all the firms in the new building to come together.

Lisa is looking forward to a day that will see the building become 'very, very pink”.

'Let's hope so.”

Port of Tauranga workers also got into the spirit of the day raising $455 for breast cancer.

Currently, one in every nine women in New Zealand are diagnosed with the disease in their lifetime.

For more information on today's event or to donate visit

Is your company taking part in Pink for a Day? Send us your photos to

KPMG's Business advisory one team dress in pink to raise money for breast cancer.

KPMG's tax, audit and business advisory two show their suppport.

KPMG's administration team dressed in pink.

Cooney Lees Morgan got into the Pink for a Day spirit with a pink cake.

Staples Rodway staff in pink at the new premises on the corner of Elizabeth Street and Cameron Road.

Bayleys staff were every shade of pink today.

Port of Tauranga staff also celebrated the day in pink style.

A pink feast was shared by all.

1 comment


Posted on 12-10-2012 14:05 | By TERMITE

Wear it!

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