Woolworths to spend $45M on on safety initiatives

Photo: John Borren/SunLive.

Woolworths says there has been a 131 per cent rise in physical assaults against its staff in the last six months, compared to the same time last year.

The supermarket chain, formerly known as Countdown, is launching a campaign calling for respect in the lead up to the holiday period.

It's also spending tens of millions of dollars on safety measures such as walkie-talkies, fog cannons and body cameras.

Head of health, safety and wellbeing Denva Wren says in the last week alone staff have been spat at, called names and shoved. She's telling customers to stop it.

"Actually [customers] considering their body language, their tone and how they approach a situation - whether that's a gap on a shelf, product quality or a genuine query. Just actually thinking and considering how you might do that when you follow up with one of our team."

As for the additional safety initiatives, Denva says she's sad things have got so bad that $45 million has to be spent to ensure stores are safer for staff and customers.

She says the initiatives also include double entry gates at storefronts, new cameras at checkouts and trolley-locking systems.

Fog cannons will be trialled in some stores.

"Fog cannons are being implemented in stores that have had multiple break-and-enters. We're obviously seeing break-and-enters feature in the media over an extended period of time, probably since the beginning of the year."

Woolworths stores will give out one gift card a day this week to a customer who shows kindness.



Sorry, but

Posted on 21-11-2023 22:14 | By The Caveman

Woolworths are not spending $45M, they are spending $45M of the PROFIT from their customers, some of whom the POLICE are not interested in controlling the anti-social of the said "customers"!!

Oh yeah baby fog

Posted on 22-11-2023 08:47 | By an_alias

Cannons are the way to go......lets get those babies up and running and not look into the huge profits and lack of competition caused by a du-opolly.
Lets for sure not look into who allowed the du-oppoly which is our political bunch.
We just NEED MORE FOG CANNONS, hey then no one can see any of the above aye.

More confirmation...

Posted on 22-11-2023 12:03 | By morepork

... that frustration and anger are running high in the community. We all need to keep a lid on it and walk away from situations that push our buttons.

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