Labour Party reveals new shadow Cabinet

Labour Party leader Chris Hipkins. Photo: Angus Dreaver/RNZ.

Labour’s strong line-up for the 54th Parliament brings experience and energy to the job of Opposition.

There are six women and four men in the top 10, it is a diverse line-up and the front bench includes portfolios like climate change and children.

“Our Labour Party team is highly experienced and energised and looking forward to getting back to Parliament,” says Labour Leader Chris Hipkins.

“I am incredibly proud and humbled to have this team alongside me as we take up the important job of Opposition.

“The election didn’t go Labour’s way and we have work to do to make sure Kiwis know and feel that Labour backs them. I have absolute confidence our team will work with communities right across the country to build this support back. 

“With the start this coalition has had, it’s clear New Zealanders will need an Opposition that stands up for their values and what is right.

“Unfortunately, we’ve already seen a lack of moral compass in the coalition’s approach.

“This Labour team doesn’t just have experience, it has values and cares about all New Zealanders – not just a few.”


Just looks like..........

Posted on 01-12-2023 08:16 | By groutby

....pretty much the same faces that put New Zealand in the strife we are in now....there are some 'new' faces in the line up who I see have been there for a term or two already...where have they been?....anyhow I guess there will be a lot of 'snapping from the sidelines' from the opposition, but a very predictable line up of inexperience. Labour prides itself in 'diversity'...and that's great, IF there is talent and experience in their given roles....I don't see that in so many cases (again).....

Is this a paid adv?

Posted on 01-12-2023 12:21 | By an_alias

I mean come on, a strong line, yeah true if you mean the same bunch the stuffed up the economy and tried to implement forced social engineering.
You mean the guy in charge of this bunch who was complicit in all that was done in the last 6 years.
A strong line up for the SAME OLD WOKE

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