Works continue to impact Cameron Rd businesses

Puran Singh oustide his store on Cameron Road in Tauranga. Photo: SunLive.

Puran Singh’s business is under threat.

The Tauranga man is the owner of an Indian takeaway and sweet shop store that has been on Cameron Road since 2008.

The Cameron Road construction is putting his business under threat of closing down.

The loss of parking outside his business to a new cycling path has hugely impacted his business along with all the businesses around him.

“Before we had parking in here,” says Puran, pointing to the new bike path created along Cameron Road right outside his business.

“Now we have no parking.

“I’m very upset,” he says.

“The final design of the Building our future - Cameron Road, Te Papa project includes a new two-way cycleway and part-time bus lanes,” says Tauranga City Council General Manager: Infrastructure, Nic Johansson.

“These new facilities have meant changes to parking in the area and we’ve worked closely with businesses during the design phase of the project to find ways to meet their customer parking and delivery needs.

“One solution has been to add time limits to side streets to discourage all-day parking and increase turnover to support customer use,” says Nic.

“When they started the project, the guy [project manager] came and saw me and told me he could put a bus line there with timed parking,” says Puran.

Puran says he asked for parking to remain outside his store and the project managers assured him saying “yes we’ll keep the time zone there,” he says.

“He came to me and showed me a map and says the bus line is in here and they can put in a time frame on there,” says Puran.

“With regard to this particular location, there is parking available nearby on Second Avenue and Third Avenue,” says Nic.

“We are also adding traffic lights at the intersection of Third Avenue and Cameron Road which will make it easier for drivers to access parking on the side streets.

“Due to the bus stop and turning bay in the vicinity, it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to accommodate parking directly outside this business, however, we’re still investigating this and will be in touch with the business owner when we have a final outcome,” says Nic.

“We are disappointed in this decision,” says Puran on behalf of the business and neighbouring businesses.

“This has been happening for a very long time.

“Even the other side,” he says pointing to the other side of the street whose businesses also do not have parking.

“We have been stuck like this for years.”

Puran says he is having customers complaining about not knowing where to park.

“The parking around the area is minimal and a lot of it is paid parking.”

Puran says that it is majorly affecting his business.

He says the neighbouring business has had to change opening hours due to the impact this has had.

“It’s very, very hard for us.”

He says it is majorly affecting revenue.

“We are losing heaps of customers.

“My business is 45 per cent down.”

Even if there was parking for just 10 minutes, Puran says it would make a huge difference because most of his customers come in to pick up their takeaways or sweets.

“They aren’t here very long, they wouldn’t even need to park for long.”



Time To Stand Against

Posted on 12-12-2023 08:36 | By Yadick

This parking issue is out of control. These Commissioners are out of control. It's time that we as a city stood against them.
Parking from around 15th Ave to 17th Ave has completely gone barr 3 carparks outside Restaurant 88. These are supposed to service a busy bike shop, a very busy popular restaurant, a busy hair salon and on the other side, St Vincent De Paul's, a very busy Bakery plus others. All reduced to 3 carparks.
Outside the very busy and popular Mama's Doughnuts is a break in the yellow no stopping line. Enough space for 1 car to stop AND BLOCK THE ENTIRE LEFT LANE.
These Commorons need to go. Labour has gone, why are these morons still here destroying our city, our lives, and ultimately our families. GET OUT, JUST GET OUT. ENOUGH!

All for what??

Posted on 12-12-2023 08:50 | By Fernhill22

This absolute nonsense needs to stop, how can we have a council putting businesses out of business and then having to lay staff off all for the sake of bicycle & bus lanes that no one uses, FFS this is just utter madness.
The economic cost of this Cameron Road project goes way beyond the cost for just putting in the new bicycle & bus lanes and new stormwater pipes. It's the economic cost to businesses now having to put up the closed for business signs & their families now having to receive government benefits because they have no more money left. What level-headed business owner would want to start a business in town unless they want to just throw good money away. The narrative & agenda in TCC needs to change, this madness needs to stop, and we need to go in a different direction.

Utter madness

Posted on 12-12-2023 09:35 | By Mein Fuhrer

The out of control TCC commisionutbars have got to go, around 78% of Tauranga citizens want them gone according to a recent sunlive poll, the anger and tension amongst business owners and commuters is growing, what can be legally done to stop this nonsense other than physically dragging the 4 muppeteers out of their comfy offices and dumping them hog tied outside the city limits? Maybe tga is a prototype for the future Smart Cities agenda, along with 15min neighborhoods with cycles, busses and EVs dominating the transport sector. Sam Uffendall please stand up against this illogical idiocy.

They dont care

Posted on 12-12-2023 09:54 | By an_alias

Its all for a stupid bike lane that hardly will be used.
When you get un-elected in charge who aren;t accountable you get people who have no clue or idea how businesses opperate.
All they look at is getting more tax take and pandering to the agenda they deem important.


Posted on 12-12-2023 10:05 | By Let's get real

I'm not sure if the number of traffic lights along Cameron Rd has doubled yet, but it must be pretty close to it. Other than causing disruption and delays, I haven't been able to identify the reasons behind the huge cost of their installation. Presumably, ratepayers are funding the move to remove all means of free movement around the city and increasing the resistance to using the buses that are equally restricted by stationery traffic rather than free flowing and therefore considerate road users.
Maybe someone should organise to block the bus lanes when they are initiated into service. It certainly won't delay anyone other than the lonely driver.

Sun & BoP Times have a role

Posted on 12-12-2023 12:05 | By ChrisDever

How can we let so many businesses get so badly affected without significant pressure being put onto the commissioners. If these businesses close-down and/or move to other suburbs this will bring more 'dough-nut' effect to the City.
More empty shops, business moving to suburbs, lack of affordable parking. A brand new city council building and associated inner city beautification parks AND NO PEOPLE.

I believe that Sun and BOP Times have a duty to be providing the commissioners to be more accountable to the ratepayers needs.

I see

Posted on 12-12-2023 12:39 | By nerak

Sam Uffindell's name has come up for comment. Sam?? Where are you? Can't say I've seen or heard much of you since you were elected to serve us, the good citizens of Tauranga. No, I think we are on our own, folks, doesn't look like he gives a damn about us after all. And with all the outcry there is regarding the dismal condition of our town, here is Nic Johansson of TCC fame saying "... we’ve worked closely with businesses during the design phase...". I, along with many others, would call that BS. Pull the other one lad.


Posted on 12-12-2023 13:50 | By morepork

We must tolerate this Commission until the newly appointed Minister for Local Government (Simeon Brown) decides to call local elections in Tauranga. Currently, this will happen around July 2024. The Commission will probably submit their case for being allowed to continue (as they did to Mahuta) and the results are indeterminate at the moment. A possible action would be to raise Simeon Brown's awareness of the strength of feeling in Tauranga and get him to call the election sooner. His email address is: SunLive have their poll results, and posts and comments reflecting the rising tide of anger and frustration against the incompetence and insensitivity of the Commission. Perhaps a petition to the minister, backed by the SunLive archives, could
get action. Failing that, if as many people as possible email the Minister expressing their dissatisfaction and giving links to SunLive articles, he may be moved.

Yes, well

Posted on 12-12-2023 14:09 | By Shadow1

Our Commission has already admitted that they got the project wrong. They haven’t offered any apology yet, nor have they offered to sort the problem out. They claim to have talked to the affected businesses about their plans, which I doubt. If their first question had been “how much do you rely on customer car parking outside your business?” Instead of threatening them with the Public Works Act, things may have been different. It’s time they went back to the Minister of Local Government and asked for further funding to replace the parking. Then would be a good time to resign and leave town.


Posted on 12-12-2023 17:26 | By Potofstu

Who designed the long thin gardens separating the cycle way and footpath running in front of shop doors is a plonker, people in wheelchairs have to navigate around and anyone with sight issues can fall . Utter stupidity

Thanks Morepork

Posted on 13-12-2023 07:02 | By Thats Nice

Thank you for the information and contact details. The current Muppets that have and are continuing to ruin our towns need to go. Let's all make our concerns known NOW.

Hey bent

Posted on 13-12-2023 15:02 | By M@M

Tauranga council seem to be hell bent on destroying businesses on Cameron rd.
I had a Spa pool shop 9n the road some years .
They dug the road up in front of me, wow to find that the water main was there and I had three weeks of no business.
Look how they are handling work at the moment. Instead of working on one place at a time, they mess the whole road up with piecemeal jobs. Ffffingbcrazy bunch

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