GRAPHIC: Patient assaulted at Tauranga Hospital

The woman suffered severe injuries to her head and spine Supplied photos.

WARNING: This story contains graphic images showing the extent of the woman's injuries. Please view at your own discretion.

An 82-year-old woman who went into Tauranga Hospital after suffering a minor stroke has been seriously assaulted by another patient, with her family highly concerned about her future.

The assault, which happened at 6am on Saturday morning, December 2, has left family members questioning how such a thing could happen in a hospital. 

“She was taken into the hospital’s stroke ward on Monday, November 27. She had had a minor stroke,” says a family member.

“After finding something on the back of her neck, they’ve just been treating her with blood thinners and monitoring her. So she was just in bed, and she was doing well and able to talk and walk. It was a minor stroke.”

The family says that another patient came into her room around 6am on Saturday, took a shower chair from the bathroom and assaulted her while she was asleep in her bed.

“He has caused her serious head injuries, uncontrollable bleeding, and injuries to her body, also resulting in fractures to her skull and spine (C1), internal bleeding to the brain, swelling and bruising to the head, neck and tongue,” says the family.

“This has left her in a traumatised state to say the least and she has ongoing rehabilitation and severe pain.

“We are really upset about how this could happen when someone has a stroke and goes into hospital for care, and then suffers such a traumatic attack from another patient.”

The woman's family say their mother has a long road to recovery ahead of her. Supplied photos.

A week on from the attack, the family says “there has been no acknowledgement of remorse from the male patient or his immediate family”.

“This leaves us feeling unsafe in a hospital environment.”

The family are waiting to see if the woman, who is celebrating her 83rd birthday this week, will fully recover from her injuries and will be able to return home.

“Police are aware of the complaint and enquiries are continuing,” says a police spokesperson.

Tauranga Hospital say that they are unable to comment as it is now a police matter.


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