Gang member jailed for retribution killing

Dane Pukepuke admitted the murder at his first appearance in 2022. Photo: Benn Bathgate/Stuff.

A Mongrel Mob member who shot and killed a Tauranga man to exact retribution for killing of a fellow gang member the month before, has been sentenced to life imprisonment.

Dane Pukepuke admitted killing Dane Kuka when he was arrested and charged in 2022, four years after the killing.

On Thursday, Pukepuke was sentenced to life imprisonment. Justice Graham Lang ordered him to serve at least 15 years before he’s eligible to apply for parole.

In January 2018, Mongrel Mob member Lance Waite was shot and killed at a Tauranga address.

During the weeks following Waite’s shooting, Pukepuke travelled to Tauranga from Rotorua on two occasions.

One on of those trips, phone polling data put Pukepuke near a house where a man was forced to write down a list of people present the night Waite was shot, Kuka’s name was on that list.

David Kuka was shot dead at his home in Gate Pā in Tauranga in 2018. File photo/supplied.

On February 11, 2018, Justice Lang said Pukepuke drove from Rotorua to Tauranga and shot Kuka.

Justice Lang was satisfied beyond reasonable doubt Kuka was killed as a result of a decision taken by Pukepuke to exact retribution for Waite’s death on behalf of the Mongrel Mob.

“It is not possible to be sure that you decided to shoot Mr Kuka as opposed to any other occupant of the Wilrose Place address even though his name was on the list...”

Kuka was shot in the head and neck at close range in the kitchen of the Tauranga home.

“You did so on behalf of the Mongrel Mob by way of retribution for the shooting of Mr Waite at that address,” Justice Lang said.

He also concluded there was no evidence of a struggle before Kuka was shot.

Justcie Lang said the premeditated and unprovoked shooting of an innocent man was an aggravating factor at sentencing.

Both Lance Waite and David Kuka were killed at the same property in this street just weeks apart. Photo: SunLive.

The court heard Pukepuke grew up in circumstances involving familial disconnection, rejection and abuse.

He suffered difference forms of abuse at the hands of several family memebrs and the trauma likely led to his severe addiction to drugs as well as mental health issues.

Pukepuke was exposed to gang culture from an early age and found a sense of purpose and identity with the Mongrel Mob.


“This led you to develop a deep sense of loyalty to the Mongrel Mob, a factor that is obviously prominent in the present offending.”

Pukepuke was given discounts off the starting sentence for his guilty plea and his upbringing.

Luke Belmont, Adrian Rewiri and Maruu Wright were all found not guilty of murder at a trial earlier this year.


1 comment

What is the matter with these people?

Posted on 15-12-2023 13:27 | By morepork

Do they really think that retribution killings are "honourable" or "necessary"?
How bad does your life have to be in order to persuade you that absolute loyalty to a gang is a better deal than working for a living? What would make you decide to live your life like a Hollywood movie? I understand that gangs can provide a purpose and security for some people who've never had any. But adopting a set of values from B movies is not a worthwhile use of your life. Criminal activity by gangs cancels any good that the gang may do. When you need a weapon to show your "courage" and "loyalty" there can only be a sad and wasteful outcome for all concerned.

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